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Good morning,

I want to share with you this experience, the first since I started to fly on IVAO with an aircraft turboprop TBM850 (Carenado)

The aim is to verify the reliability of the data that Carenado make available with the tool for the route planning PFPX of Flight1

I use Flight Simulation X, weather Active Sky Evolution+REX4 Texture Direct, scenery ORBX

The experience that I show you is the LEG04 of IFR WORLD 2016 Tour: CYEG-KNOT

Before to start the route planning I’ve modified some parameters in the aircraft configuration area, setting parameters of the simulator. This allow to me to have a best result.


DATI TBM850.jpg

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Inside the cockpit the instrumentation state OAT-46°C: with the data that Carenado make available, at a pressure altitude 30000 – 44°C cruise speed was IAS 193kt

With the images below you can see the correspondence.


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All'interno della cabina di guida dello stato strumentazione OAT-46 ° C: con i dati che Carenado rendere disponibile, ad una altitudine di pressione 30.000-44 ° C velocità di crociera era 193kt IAS

Con le immagini qui sotto potete vedere la corrispondenza.


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I landed at KNOT airport at 23:43z, taking 4h38m against the 4h35m of the planning. From the last image you can see that I had also fuel for the secondary airport.

In conclusion, I can confirm that PFPX and Carenado are excellent products very similar to the reality.




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I concur, great set and I always enjoy seeing cockpit shots as I'm a Sim pilot more than a plane spotter so I enjoy studying the flight details from the instruments. The more cockpit shots the better, I'd like to see this become the norm.

Anton via Tapatalk Pro

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I've spent ages trying to find the airport KNOT with no luck. At last I see it was a typo and should have been Ontario (KONT). The very reason I always try and list an Airport's name as well as the ICAO code.

Anton via Tapatalk Pro

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