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Weeze are going to Hannover


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Yes, it is time to give the SAAB, not the Otter, a run after a long absence.

The flight is from Weeze EDLV to Hannover EDDV.



An early morning take off on a very dreary wet morning.


Soon above the clouds and turning east. We are at Westerbeek  Holland in OLC territory.



Passing Dulmen and the A43 heading off south to the Ruhr and beyond.


Minden can be seen here with EDVY Porta Westphalica just out of view.


About to start our descent and turning to the north at Auetal.




Running parallel to the A2 at Garbsen.


The PAPI lights at Wunstorf military base can just be seen.


 Had 4 attempts at an ILS landing but could not get it to work and also the gear refused to come down one time!


Got there eventually still without the ILS.


Hope you enjoyed flying along.

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Another great tour Martyn!  I find that a lot with inop ILS's.  I usually go online and find the ILS but 99% of the time it's the same.  I would have thought LM would have fixed that.


And that plane, the gear wouldn't come down?  Is this like an A2A where it can break?  

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