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As Dorothy said


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Dorothy from L Frank Baum's Wonderful Wizard of Oz said "there in no place like home."

 I agree with her as despite having a pretty good holiday it is nice to get back to Mooroopna amongst familiar surroundings.

While going through my many emails I saw that JF has released the BAC 1-11 and being on a special introductory price I could not resist.



Shock horror, it is not a CTRL+E start.



A very easy follow blow by blow guide in the manual make it a breeze to start. Written down all the starting procedures to make it easy for the next flight.


G-AVOF is at home too as it was built at the BAC factory here in Bournemouth in the 1960s


Taking off from rwy 26 it is a real 1-11 without the Hush Kits.



Noisy and smoky a typical 60s jet.



Climbing away over Parley and the River Stour, a great place to catch Pike.


A beautiful plane to fly with a very decent sound set which is a nice change for JF, well done.


Accelerating away and leaving some skid marks in the clouds.


Love it, now I will have to make the effort to actually use the nav aids.


Hope you enjoyed the shots.

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Yep Martyn, several of us beta testers broke the code first up trying to be lazy. I think that from now on you will find that most new JF aircraft will be a by the book start procedure. The just released Gloster Meteor is the same.


Great shots too but not real impressed with dirtying the clouds with black skid marks.

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17 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

Just great, Martyn. I enjoyed them.

Thanks Bernd.

17 hours ago, andy1252 said:

Hi Martyn, and great shots!


But I have to say, I was expecting something more along the lines of "we're not in Kansas anymore" <grin>


(and did you have a good trip?)

Thanks Andy, lucky it was not The Wizard of Id or the peasants would have been revolting:lol:

Had a pretty good trip, already planning for next year.:D

16 hours ago, Pat Cox (Aussieman) said:

Yep Martyn, several of us beta testers broke the code first up trying to be lazy. I think that from now on you will find that most new JF aircraft will be a by the book start procedure. The just released Gloster Meteor is the same.


Great shots too but not real impressed with dirtying the clouds with black skid marks.

No problems Pat, the tutorial is first class and easy to follw and I quite enjoyed going through the correct procedure for a change.

16 hours ago, Voyager said:

Nostalgic times that built our modernity.
Great acquisition Martyn!
And nice screenshots!


iPad - Tapatalk

Thanks Voyager, brings back a lot of memories.

15 hours ago, RJ said:

Wonderful shots and great aircraft Martyn! :)

Cheers RJ, she is a ripper for sure.

14 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots indeed.



Thanks Iain.

12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

That was cool.  I used to love the engines belching all that black smoke, you could see them for several miles.

Cheers Jack, you could see them and my word COULD YOU HEAR THEM. Sorry for shouting one was just flying over.;)

9 hours ago, PDX Flyer said:

I loved your captions.  And your pictures of this plane.  Thank You for posting.

No worries PDX, glad you liked 'em.

6 hours ago, BradB said:

Obviously your not in Thailand anymore , welcome back to the forum my friend !! .





Thanks John, been back since very early Thursday and still recovering.

5 hours ago, sightseer said:

that's a pretty thing!.  jets from that era just looked better somehow.


and on a  side note: the iFly737NG is now available for P3Dv3. I haven't yet installed it though.

Thanks Dave for the comment and info.

4 hours ago, gumbypickett said:

You haven't lost your touch KDK, nice shots.

Glad you enjoyed your holiday. Did you end up going on the A350 as

I think, I recall you mentioning?B)



Cheers Gumby, nah, the Oz authorities had some problem with the A350 so we missed out this time. Shall look at the SQ schedules when we go next year .


Many thanks for your comments and interest.

A great plane from JF, the trouble is that I have also brought GEN and I am very eager to explore as much as I can as I am enjoying it so much, so the 1-11 will have to wait for a while as it takes time to wind up.!

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1 hour ago, Bermuda425 said:

That's my bad. I assumed theBAC One-Eleven was Boeing built :blink: It looks quite similar to a 717

No worries Erik, the One-Eleven was originally thought of by the Hunting company but was taken on by BAC when  several manufacturers were amalgamated in the early 60s.  A common sight for me when we lived close to BAC's test airfield at Wisley and then when we moved to Bournemouth in 1966 where the One- Eleven was built. Probably why I have a soft spot for this plane.

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