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New Zealand South Island

Jack Sawyer

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39 minutes ago, andy1252 said:

Lovely shots Jack, and good to see you're still enjoying the Staggerwing - it's a beaut, ain't it?

Sure is, but no matter how I try, even with your excellent advice, it's still quite difficult to get this plane off the ground.

I have the tail wheel locked, advance the throttle very slowly, and pull back on the elevators but I still have to try it five or six times before I finally get airborne.

I was even thinking of eliminating the P-factor but I don't want to change those settings as I like it "realistic".


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7 minutes ago, andy1252 said:

Not had any problems getting airborne myself, but then, I have my realism settings set on full fantasy.


As I try and do in life <grin> (If I'd wanted reality - I'd get out more!)

Andy, I apologize if I seem thick but what is full on fantasy?  Is it the opposite of my settings? I can see how it would make it easier though.  :huh:

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10 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

what is full on fantasy?  Is it the opposite of my settings? I can see how it would make it easier though.  :huh:


Hi Jack, I just mean I've got my realism settings all the way over to the left. I can smack into mountains, fly through trees and tall buildings, and bounce as much as I like on landing and still carry on flying. Just very occasionally, if I'm really trying, I might up some of the realism for a particular session. For me in general though, it's not about learning to be a pilot or trying to master techniques and instrumentation - I just like to zoom or pootle around (depending on the aircraft) looking at the scenery and the plane, and generally admiring the view. I can understand the attraction for those who want to master the cockpit of a 747 and fly a fully accurate flight with all the procedures etc, but it's not really for me. I'm more like the kid running around the schoolyard with his arms out  yelling "yeeeeeooooowwww".


It's one of the things I like about simming, it caters well for all types!

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5 hours ago, andy1252 said:


Hi Jack, I just mean I've got my realism settings all the way over to the left. I can smack into mountains, fly through trees and tall buildings, and bounce as much as I like on landing and still carry on flying. Just very occasionally, if I'm really trying, I might up some of the realism for a particular session. For me in general though, it's not about learning to be a pilot or trying to master techniques and instrumentation - I just like to zoom or pootle around (depending on the aircraft) looking at the scenery and the plane, and generally admiring the view. I can understand the attraction for those who want to master the cockpit of a 747 and fly a fully accurate flight with all the procedures etc, but it's not really for me. I'm more like the kid running around the schoolyard with his arms out  yelling "yeeeeeooooowwww".


It's one of the things I like about simming, it caters well for all types!

Hi Andy, I agree.  I used to spend a great deal of time setting up flight plans in PFPX for the NGX or the Dash 8 and it seemed more time went into planning than flying.  Then I discovered Orbx and now I'm a low and slow kind of guy.  I'm like you in that I see a valley, I want to explore it.  And they put so many POI's everywhere it's always interesting.  Problem is, Orbx's Earth is so large and I have only so much time!  But it sure has changed the view for me with all this excellent scenery.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Top class set Jack, beautiful scenery and weather.

Not forgetting that yellow plane.

I had trouble getting the big stuff off the ground sometimes, forgot to set the trim to take off:rolleyes:. Don't know if that will make any difference.

If not try throwing some of the beer out, I am sure you don't need that many cases for such a short flight;)

On ‎26‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 5:57 PM, andy1252 said:


Hi Jack, I just mean I've got my realism settings all the way over to the left. I can smack into mountains, fly through trees and tall buildings, and bounce as much as I like on landing and still carry on flying. Just very occasionally, if I'm really trying, I might up some of the realism for a particular session. For me in general though, it's not about learning to be a pilot or trying to master techniques and instrumentation - I just like to zoom or pootle around (depending on the aircraft) looking at the scenery and the plane, and generally admiring the view. I can understand the attraction for those who want to master the cockpit of a 747 and fly a fully accurate flight with all the procedures etc, but it's not really for me. I'm more like the kid running around the schoolyard with his arms out  yelling "yeeeeeooooowwww".


It's one of the things I like about simming, it caters well for all types!

So you are in it for the same reason as me Andy. You also have your realism settings the same too. I hope we don't both get banned for this admission.:o

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