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Reference Guide - Hard Disk Drives - All about Raid 0,1,5,10,50?


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These are some guides that I found over at storage review.com, worth a read and look especially for the beginner.

This I think is a great read on RAID Levels, should help you get your head around it all. About 21 pages.


Reference Guide - Hard Disk Drives


Hope you enjoy,  Goober  8)

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Adam, I have a fairly mediocre laptop that I run fsx on, I just reinstalled the whole OS and switched back to having 2 seperate HDD's from a RAID 0 setup (I have 2 500GB 7200RPM drives) I did this to test if it was beneficial to have a dedicated FSX HDD, but after my experiment it looks like its time to reinstall again and go back to raid 0, results being that I see a major delay in processing time on tasks not being in raid 0, it takes almost double the time to load every program and the system is easily frozen by using multiple applications at once where it was able to handle several programs including fsx all at once without an issue in raid 0, again everyones computers are different as well as experiences with certain setups so it is all relative to your setup I guess.

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Hello Aussiecop and thanks for your reply,

I have a i7 920 Oc'd to 3.8GHz atm and running quite stable on water cooling,

I also have a GTX295 running on the latest drivers and OC'd 33% when running FSX.

I have several HDD's on my computer which I could RAID 2 320GB's if need be, but from your comment, I still dont know if I would be better off.

Is RAID worth the hassel ?

Sorry to be a pain.


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well I only have a 2.5 Ghz and I dont pertain to know bugger all about computers appart from what I learn here, but I notice the speed at which things load up has slowed about 40% since switching back to sperate drives, I am about to revert back as there was a definate difference in my mind.

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