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PNW + SCA Airport Corrupted


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Hello all. Just got back to re-installing all my past FTX regions into my new comp and all regions went on okay except the last two -- PNW and SCA, both of which were just purchased today.


My FTX Central is already version 2, but I found that KSEA and another airport somewhere east of KSBD (could be L12) both seem to be surrounded by "hills" (see L12 image).


Would appreciate if anyone could advise what could need fixing.


Note : I already ran the latest Orbx Lib. Thanks.


My Order Num -- FSS0513490


Edit -- I am running on FSX Steam. No other scenary add-on. Only FTX all of North America regions except SAK.






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Hey Nick. You're quicker on the draw than me by 30 sec ... was about to say I saw your post elsewhere about using AEC, tried that and it is solved ! Thanks :).


Now are there many of such airport problem among the rest? Wouldn't want to plan up a flight and only to fly in to one and get a nasty surprise of having to look for an alternate, if there is one nearby.




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You can run the auto config function which should catch them all.

I have never done this and have answered several support questions

which suggest that it does not.

I have no idea if that is the case or if the errors were on the customers' PC.


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