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New to P3D - Installation Order?

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I'm running FSX-SE now, but want to experience the benefits of P3D (and try to see if it fixes my lagging texture issues by shifting load to my new GPU).


While it downloads, I'm wondering what order I should install my Orbx regions, NA LC, Global, Airports etc in?


Anything to be aware of or careful of in making this transition? (I plan on keeping FSX up and running for awhile).





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Make sure you have all the required P3D compatible updates of all your FSX version FTX addons first off. Then install from ground up, Global Base,Mesh if any, Vector if you have it, OLC, Regions, airports. Make sure your library insertion points are in priority (on top): Non FTX airports, FTX then OLC. Install last the latest orbxlibraries. Finally open up FTX Central and let it do its thing. When Central has finished doing it's thing, if you have Vector then run the AEC tool. This AEC running is in my opinion "optional" as you can also just install Vector and all airports will be set to AEC enabled by default. You can then disable those airports that have elevation problems as and when you find them. I say that because many times I have found that even after running the AEC configurator many airports that AEC decides that AEC should be enabled in fact should not be. Hence I now only open AEC to disable a particular airport when I find an elevation problem.

I would wait for an expert to tell you whether or not you should also run the Migration process because your installation will be brand new. I imagine you should run it but I cannot confirm this. In order to get a reply to this question I suggest you start a new post in FTX Support forum asking that singular simple question, rather than relying on someone to answer it here in this post.

PS. To get the benefits of more work going to your Graphics card in P3D make sure you set Tessellation to max

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