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Default Flt to Orbx scenery - airplane plummets

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Has anyone seen this before?  My default flight loads then I load into an Orbx airport and my plane is stuck high above the ground then plummets.  Here at L70 all the scenery loaded fine.  But it was happening last night at STS and the scenery was all screwed up - elevation issues and textures overlapping etc.


I've got Orbx SCA plus a lot of airports.  I just installed L70 today and installed a fresh library set.  I've also got FTX central v2 AND P3D v3.3xx (whatever up to date is).  Win7 x64 - UAC disabled.


I've seen this occasionally before but now it always loads like this.  Default FLT to Orbx = falling!









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I've had this happen to me too (lately) ... but can never remember to make a note of where it was, which aircraft I was in - or whether I went straight into that location from the startup screen or from a different location. It hasn't happened for a while, so it went off the radar a bit for me.


If you can reproduce the error, post the exact steps/details: I'd be keen to see if I get get the same.



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Hi Ryan,


the only mechanism I know of that makes planes load 500ft above an airport is if crash detection is turned off and the sim tries to load the plane at an altitude below the actual airport's flatten polygon. Thus, you may check for interference of third-party add-ons at the affected airports. If you don't know which add-ons that might be run a Windows Explorer search of your entire flightsim folder tree for all .bgl files that include the airport's ICAO as part of their names -- e.g., search term *KSTS*.bgl -- and post a list or screenshot of the results with full file names and folder paths


Cheers, Holger



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The only ones I see (which are active, because I already went through the Orbx SCA and NCA directories and changed the region files to *.bak for all my specific addon airports) are the ones that reside in the KSTS specific folder


The .bak files are here (for the NCA airports)

B:\Prepar3D v3\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_NCA05_SCENERY\scenery


And I added the .bak to them.  I also added .bak (I think you guys do .OFF or something) to any third party scenery I have such as FSDT KLAX etc.










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I just "teleported" from Bournemouth Airport (EGHH) and got exactly what Ryan sees. I have collision detection turned off (as is recommended). I have SCA, Global etc - and no non-ORBX scenery. Here's my *L70*.BGL listing:


Directory of H:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3Dv3\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_L70\Scenery

28/12/2015  11:10 p.m.               112 000_L70.BGL
28/12/2015  11:09 p.m.               227 CVX_L70.BGL
04/01/2016  01:27 a.m.            18,729 CVX_L70_2.BGL
09/01/2016  12:09 a.m.               909 CVX_L70_houseflatten.BGL
16/01/2016  06:44 p.m.               620 L70_bridges_EXT.BGL
17/01/2016  11:37 p.m.       100,440,755 ORBX_L70_1m_PR_A1.bgl
17/01/2016  11:36 p.m.        77,600,228 ORBX_L70_1m_PR_B1.bgl
18/01/2016  08:14 p.m.        91,352,486 ORBX_L70_30cm_PR_A1.bgl
17/01/2016  10:05 p.m.        95,090,485 ORBX_L70_30cm_PR_A2.bgl
16/01/2016  07:45 p.m.           727,635 ORBX_L70_30cm_PR_TS.bgl
18/01/2016  08:07 p.m.             3,022 ORBX_L70_APX.bgl
21/01/2016  03:45 p.m.               332 ORBX_L70_CF_PLC.bgl
24/12/2015  11:23 a.m.         2,509,250 Orbx_L70_DEM_10m.bgl
24/12/2015  11:23 a.m.         5,061,491 Orbx_L70_DEM_3m.bgl
24/12/2015  11:23 a.m.           123,360 Orbx_L70_DEM_3m_2.bgl
04/01/2016  01:34 a.m.           301,018 ORBX_L70_fences.bgl
15/01/2016  06:27 p.m.               140 ORBX_L70_flag.bgl
18/01/2016  04:54 p.m.           200,510 ORBX_L70_GP.bgl
18/01/2016  05:47 p.m.               140 ORBX_L70_GPharden.bgl
16/01/2016  06:07 p.m.            52,124 ORBX_L70_grass_PLC.bgl
19/01/2016  09:53 p.m.         4,722,196 ORBX_L70_LIB.BGL
21/01/2016  03:39 p.m.             1,964 ORBX_L70_Main_PLC.bgl
21/01/2016  03:54 p.m.               380 ORBX_L70_PF_PLC.bgl
22/01/2016  01:51 a.m.               524 ORBX_L70_StaticAC_PLC.bgl
19/01/2016  06:54 p.m.            15,596 ORBX_L70_veg_PLC.bgl

25 File(s)    378,224,233 bytes


Directory of H:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3Dv3\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_SCA05_SCENERY\scenery

28/10/2015  09:32 a.m.             8,868 ADE_FTX_SCA_L70.bgl
28/10/2015  09:32 a.m.             2,646 ADE_FTX_SCA_L70_CVX.bgl
28/10/2015  09:34 a.m.             5,372 FTX_SCA_objects_L70_PLC.bgl
3 File(s)         16,886 bytes


Directory of H:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3Dv3\ORBX\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_AEC\scenery

11/04/2014  06:25 a.m.               410 AEC_L70.bgl
1 File(s)            410 bytes


Directory of H:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3Dv3\ORBX\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_APT\scenery

11/04/2014  06:34 a.m.               380 ABP_HL70.bgl
11/04/2014  06:36 a.m.               241 ABP_L70.bgl
11/04/2014  06:16 a.m.             2,624 APT_L70.bgl

Directory of H:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3Dv3\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\OFF

07/05/2015  08:40 p.m.               410 ADE_FTX_SCA_L70_elevation_adjustment.BGL
1 File(s)            410 bytes


Directory of H:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3Dv3\Scenery\World\scenery

08/05/2015  01:40 p.m.               410 ADE_FTX_SCA_L70_elevation_adjustment.BGL
1 File(s)            410 bytes


Total Files Listed:
34 File(s)    378,245,594 bytes



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1 hour ago, Holger Sandmann said:

the only mechanism I know of that makes planes load 500ft above an airport is if crash detection is turned off and the sim tries to load the plane at an altitude below the actual airport's flatten polygon.




Does it make any difference if the departure AGL is higher? I just tried the same test but coming in from an altitude of 6,000ft (I was in the air) and got the same result. Was P3D reading my "level" from my location (EGHH as before) - regardless of what actual height my aircraft was flying at?



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7 minutes ago, ryanbatc said:

I still wonder if this has to do with our P3D situation file?

Quite possible. AGL at L70 is 2,605ft. My default startup is NZAR, which is pretty well sea level (114ft).


So ... if you set L70 as your default (or any other airport that's *higher* than L70), then teleport to (say) NZAR - then you shouldn't get the error either at NZAR or when returning to L70 <?>.



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So ... am I right in thinking that using the "go to airport" option within P3D is always going to be prone to this sort of error - and that it's best never to use it. End the current flight first, then start a new flight with your choice of aircraft + starting location <??>. Probably not a bug as such - just the way P3D works <?>.



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Hi Adam, I've been following this out of curiosity.  You know, I never have this problem and this is all I do.  Sometimes to get screenshots for my comics I'll set maybe ten different planes at ten different airports, right after another and I have never seen this.  However, today when I get a chance I want to try to duplicate this.  I too keep crash detection off.  I have P3D 3.2.  This is very interesting to me.

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Hi Ryan and Adam,


I just now ran P3D 3.2, set the Shrike to KDLH and it was fine.  Then I set it to L70 and it's sitting nice and proper on the runway.  No problems here.  I just wanted to test this out to see if I could duplicate it.


Hope you get this resolved Ryan, best regards,



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Jack - I think that's the correct procedure. Just a thought, though - did you actually sit in the aircraft at KDLH and *then* go to L70 (via going back to the main screen)?


Try doing it my lazy/daft way by using the "go to airport" option - particularly if your departure airport is lower than your destination.


After a few goes even using the "silly" method, I find P3D sorts itself out - maybe because the default/startup parameters have long since gone - not sure.



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Just now, JS07 said:

I never go back to the main screen, I do it your "daft" way, just hit ALT, then Go To Airport and type in L70 and I was there and yup, I was sitting in the plane too when I did it.


Dang! Well there goes my theory then :lol::lol::lol:! I think we're going to have to let uncle Holger sort us out!



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I've got elevation/texture issues all over Orbx land...  Going to guess it was that LClookup thing I ran with all the cmd windows....  sigh


Most of my orbx region fields end up looking like this:  uddeffedup.jpg


I've even had smaller strips that are just in the region packs look like this.  Running this new "update" is the last thing I've done to my install.  And googling this I've seen many users with similar elev/texture issues.


Is Orbx looking into this?

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Ryan, this is horrible, I feel for ya.  I know you may have already tried this but I would redownload the latest LIBS file, run it, then do the force migration till the box comes up saying it's done.


Then run FTX and let it sync then run the troubleshooter and check for all green then check that the scenery is layered properly in Central.


I'm no expert, not by a long shot but I have seen this procedure help many people.


I know you'll get it worked out, Orbx has some pretty smart guys.


Good luck.



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  • 2 weeks later...

What I've done is do what Jack recommended.  Unfortunately that did not work.


What is the FTXC Vector config tool?  I don't have FTX Global or any global products.  I do run UTX USA though.  


I'm trying something else I'll report back.


edit:  Nope didn't work either (I tried resetting my situation= to nothing so the P3D default flight would load), then I selected RAMP 1 at KRDD.  Same elevation type issues.


FML - any other options?


With respect, this was all working fine before the LClookup whatever that was migration.

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Maybe but again I'll reiterate - it was all working great before the FTX LCLookup migration thing.  What exactly did that do?


Also, here, can someone (a dev maybe) look at my FTX library insertion point (and my scenery cfg)


Does this look ok?  Essentially I run all my addon airports above FTX regions/products.  And UTX below FTX, then default below that.



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I moved FTX to the very top - no change!  Is Holger the only dev to check in with this thread?  I can't use any Orbx addon airports anymore... they all do this to me!


What I did discover is that loading to another "In-Region" airport, THEN loading to my payware airports will load without a drop.  The elevation issues remain though.


Orbx RDD addon airport (was my fav but now it requires tundra tires!)



Additionally...  I used the L70 uninstall from the FTX control panel....  this is what happens.  Obviously something is not right with FTX/Orbx etc - I get most people aren't seeing any issues.  Well I am and I own numerous Orbx products.  I'm not willing to reinstall P3D or reformat my PC etc etc.  I am about ready to take a sledgehammer to my Orbx scenery though :(





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Hi Ryan,


can you run a search for both "KRDD" and "Redding" and post the results here? Either some of the required Orbx airport elevation files are missing or you have an interference with a third-party add-on. If we can track that down for one airport then we can properly figure out the rest.


Also, have you run the troubleshooter for the migration to check whether all files got properly copied? http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/117655-troubleshooting-unified-lclookup-migration-issues/



Last but not least, I notice the UT USA Airports entry in your scenery library menu. Don't they contain airport elevation adjustments? If so try deactivating that entry. Here's an older thread of ours in the compatibility thread that discusses that issue: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/17121-ultimate-terrain-x-usacanada-and-ultimate-alaska-x-compatibility-with-ftx-pnw-pfj-and-nrm/#entry150750


Cheers, Holger

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That one I *can* help you with!!


I use an *excellent* (and FREE) file explorer called Explorer++



It allows you to do wildcard searches and dump directory listings to a text file. *However* in this case, I think I ran a CMD command:



"If you want to list the files in all the subfolders as well as the main folder, enter “dir /s >listmyfolder.txt” (without quotes)"


Possibly something along the lines of:

dir *L70*.BGL /s >list.txt


... when the CMD is run from the ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_L70\Scenery folder.





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CMD.exe woooo!  That's like DOS era - oddly enough I didn't even think about outputting a list with CMD - worked perfectly thanks Adam!  (And I still know my way around CMD prompt)


For Holger:  All the redding or KRDD files in my P3D root directory.


Directory of B:\Prepar3D v3\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KRDD\Scenery

01/11/2016  09:41 PM               140 000_Redding_Bridges_Excludes.BGL
01/11/2016  09:31 PM            17,024 Redding_APX_Naked_CVC.BGL
02/23/2014  07:13 PM           259,904 Westsim_Placement_Redding_Fences_Benton_NEW_FSX.bgl
02/23/2014  08:31 PM           240,390 Westsim_Placement_Redding_Fences_KRDD.bgl
02/23/2014  12:52 PM       370,105,421 Westsim_Redding_30cm.bgl
02/23/2014  12:13 PM        33,810,324 Westsim_Redding_30cm_USGS.bgl
03/01/2014  07:49 AM       631,130,108 Westsim_Redding_60cm_USGS.bgl
06/17/2014  05:54 AM           285,422 Westsim_Redding_GP_Benton.bgl
01/19/2015  10:20 PM         1,043,340 Westsim_Redding_GP_Redding.bgl
01/21/2015  08:50 PM        26,394,565 Westsim_Redding_Library_P3D2.bgl
01/20/2015  06:58 AM           214,148 Westsim_Redding_Library_Vegetation_P3D2.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM             1,260 Westsim_Redding_Placement_AGN.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM               524 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Aircraft_Benton.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM               332 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Aircraft_Redding_Corporate.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM               380 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Aircraft_Redding_Fire.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM             1,100 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Aircraft_Redding_GA.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM               236 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Aircraft_Redding_RPT.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM             1,452 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Airports.bgl
03/21/2015  01:10 AM               284 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Animals.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM             1,484 Westsim_Redding_Placement_GSE_Redding.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM               204 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Hardens.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM               524 Westsim_Redding_Placement_HobbyField.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM               140 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Hospital.bgl
01/11/2016  09:41 PM             3,132 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Landmarks.BGL
03/21/2015  01:10 AM             1,404 Westsim_Redding_Placement_People_Animated.bgl
03/21/2015  01:10 AM             1,500 Westsim_Redding_Placement_People_Static.bgl
01/21/2015  08:35 PM               588 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Platforms.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM             5,372 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Vegetation_Benton.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM             3,500 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Vegetation_Hospitals.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM            15,116 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Vegetation_Redding.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM             3,420 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Vehicles_Benton.bgl
01/21/2015  01:23 AM            10,268 Westsim_Redding_Placement_Vehicles_Redding.bgl
              32 File(s)  1,063,553,006 bytes

 Directory of B:\Prepar3D v3\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_NCA06_CVX\scenery

02/14/2016  12:53 AM           143,140 CVX_300_FTX_NCA_LCpoly_1517_Redding.BGL
05/24/2014  02:48 AM         6,451,943 cvx_FTX_NCA_roads_1517w_Redding.BGL
02/09/2014  12:36 AM         5,187,072 cvx_FTX_NCA_water_1517w_Redding_summer.BGL
01/25/2014  01:32 AM            58,045 cvx_FTX_NCA_water_1517w_Redding_winter.BGL
01/25/2014  01:33 AM            58,045 cvx_FTX_NCA_water_1517w_Redding_winter_agn-excl.BGL
02/07/2014  11:48 PM         3,608,820 cvx_FTX_NCA_wetlands_1517w_Redding.BGL
05/24/2014  02:48 AM            28,656 FTX_NCA_roads_1517w_Redding_EXT.BGL


02/23/2014  08:31 PM           240,390 Westsim_Placement_Redding_Fences_KRDD.bgl


Additionally two extra areas with just searching KRDD that look interesting.  I'm not sure what the scripts folder does


Directory of B:\Prepar3D v3\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_NCA05_SCENERY\scenery

02/13/2014  10:05 PM            28,470 ADEX_FTX_NCA_KRDD_Redding_Mun.BGL.bak
02/13/2014  10:05 PM             2,722 ADEX_FTX_NCA_KRDD_Redding_Mun_CVX.bgl.bak
02/14/2014  02:05 PM            17,372 FTX_NCA_objects_KRDD_PLC.bgl.bak
               3 File(s)         48,564 bytes

 Directory of B:\Prepar3D v3\ORBX\Scripts

02/03/2015  04:56 AM             8,545 orbx_cpl_KRDD.xml
02/25/2014  08:53 PM               100 scenerylib_US_KRDD.cfg
               2 File(s)          8,645 bytes

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I have this issue in P3d only. It seems to me if I start the flight at Bowerman and then decide I want to go to lets say KTVL or KTEX my aircraft will plummet to the ground. So to me it seems to be when you go up into higher elevation that this happens. If I go anywhere else besides those two airports I have no issue.  I think this is a P3d 3.35 issue as it didn't happen to me on earlier versions.  Josh 

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There are no elevation files I see for UTX - also since the thread Holger linked is old the poster's images of UTX files were not visible.  I bet there are some files but I don't know what their names would be.


i did post a list of all RDD files per his request above

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Here's any UTX files in Scenery/world/scenery - doesn't look like anything that would affect RDD


Directory of B:\Prepar3D v3\Scenery\World\scenery

12/12/2012  05:44 PM               404 UTX_10G_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  04:09 PM               439 UTX_12ID_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  08:10 PM               404 UTX_2D7_USA.BGL
05/10/2010  02:30 PM               419 UTX_3NCO_USA.BGL
05/10/2010  03:29 PM               439 UTX_58NC_USA.BGL
05/10/2010  01:46 PM               438 UTX_60NC_USA.BGL
12/07/2012  02:41 PM               414 UTX_6B9_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  09:37 PM               425 UTX_89N_USA.BGL
05/10/2010  03:07 PM               424 UTX_8NC1_USA.BGL
05/10/2010  03:37 PM               432 UTX_GNC3_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  09:15 PM               409 UTX_KALB_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  08:54 PM               427 UTX_KBUF_USA.BGL
05/10/2010  04:21 PM               397 UTX_KCDK_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  08:06 PM               427 UTX_KCLE_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  06:16 PM               405 UTX_KERI_USA.BGL
12/11/2012  10:40 PM               416 UTX_KFUL_USA.BGL
05/15/2010  02:36 PM               408 UTX_KHLN_USA.BGL
12/11/2012  11:20 PM               406 UTX_KPOC_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  08:38 PM               429 UTX_KSYR_USA.BGL
12/11/2012  11:11 PM               406 UTX_KVNY_USA.BGL
05/10/2010  01:13 PM               419 UTX_NH49_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  07:46 PM               414 UTX_OH17_USA.BGL
12/12/2012  07:49 PM               442 UTX_PHJR_USA.BGL

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Hi Ryan,


in your list posted on Friday it appears that a file named Redding_APX_Naked_CVC_CVX.bgl isn't present. That's actually the airport add-on's flatten file. Did you remove or rename it?


I'm pretty sure the UTX configuration tool has the option to deactivate the elevation adjustments of specific airports. However, it doesn't seem that KRDD is one of they ones they adjusted otherwise it would show up in a search for KRDD bgl files. In any case, I'm pretty sure that finding the missing _CVX file will fix KRDD..


FYI, the recent "migration" cannot have any impact on airport elevations and their compatibility with other add-ons as it strictly deals with landclass files; airport elevations are a separate category of files.


Cheers, Holger

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I do not see that file anywhere.  (I also searched for a .bgl.bak - something I would have renamed it to) I also just did a reinstall of the P3D v3 RDD addon.  I redownloaded the installer again from FSS just to make sure I have the latest one.  Same issue.


Is that a file included with Jarrad's scenery or is this a Orbx NCA region file? How can I grab that file?


Just to be clear, you're asking about that exact named file?  Because I see the file without the word CVX in it on my list, it's this one:


01/11/2016  09:31 PM            17,024 Redding_APX_Naked_CVC.BGL





Because I have other non Orbx airports (like Flightbeam's SFO) I went and disabled the Orbx version in the respective folders.  As a habit I had been setting any Orbx airports I replaced with a *.bak to the bgl.  I even did it for the Orbx airports like KRDD or KPSP (I had a elev at UDD which is part of PSP package).  I removed the .bak from all Orbx default files and now the payware addons are working!! HURRAH!


Confirm when Jarrad makes an addon airport he already includes "exclude" files to exclude the "default" orbx airports?  In essence I've been excluding the excludes LOL!

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Hi Ryan,


interesting. It does appear as if the latest KRDD installer doesn't include that file. Try renaming the NCA "ADEX_FTX_NCA_KRDD_Redding_Mun_CVX.bgl.bak" file back to .bgl; it contains the same flatten data and should fix the elevation issues. 


Cheers, Holger

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