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Elevation Problems KPSP

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I am new to P3D and just installed v3 and loaded in KPSP and I'm noticing hills around the airport and objects floating far in the air.  About 50% of the airport seems fine.  I have updated libraries as indicated and enabled and disabled AEC in Global Vector Config tool ver 1.2.  Any help is greatly appreciated on how to correct this situation.  Also loaded is SoCal and the new North America LC.

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3 hours ago, Benjammin said:

I am new to P3D and just installed v3 and loaded in KPSP and I'm noticing hills around the airport and objects floating far in the air.  About 50% of the airport seems fine.  I have updated libraries as indicated and enabled and disabled AEC in Global Vector Config tool ver 1.2.  Any help is greatly appreciated on how to correct this situation.  Also loaded is SoCal and the new North America LC.


G'day Benjammin, 


I've just moved your post to the P3D support forum, and also in order to receive support, we ask for you to add one of your order numbers - information on how to go that can be found here


Once we have that information, I'm sure that we'll be able to solve your problem nice and quickly :)




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G'day Ben,


Thanks very much for that :)


This is a fairly common issue that may be caused by one of several things;


1. If you have Vector installed, make sure that you have disabled KPSP in the AEC tool that comes with FTX Vector.

2. Is there a chance that you have an old (pre-2015) version of our freeware airports pack installed? If so, you'll need to update it. 

3. Do you run My Traffic by any chance? If so, you'll need to disable the KPSP APX that comes with this program.


If these don't yield a result, could you please a) take note of the elevation on the airport ramp and b ) take an overview shot of the airport (this will help us further identify the problem). Instructions on how to post a screenshot can be found here


Let me know how you go,




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Hey Jarrad,


I checked that file above and it didn't work so I uploaded the below .jpg.  I hope this works.  If not, I'll give the above method another go!


Also, I have a brand new install of P3D Ver 3+ so no older freeware or my traffic installed.  KPSP is disabled in AEC as well.

Again, estimated airport elevation on the ramp at gate 12 is 430 msl. 




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G'day Ben,


This is an unusual one then - it's definitely a duplicate APX issue, but it seems like the usual culprits aren't responsible. 


Next up, I'd recommend doing a search of your entire P3D folder for "KPSP" and see what results get thrown up. We're looking for any .bgl files that aren't the following;

- Anything residing in your ORBX folders

- Scenery/World/Scenery/Traffic_KPSP_GA_Traffic.bgl

- Scenery/Global/Scenery/Westsim_AGN_KPSP.bgl


This might throw up some clues as to what may be causing the issue. 




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Hey Jarrad,


I found the "Scenery/World/Scenery/Traffic_KPSP_GA_Traffic.bgl", and the "Scenery/Global/Scenery/Westsim_AGN_KPSP.bgl"in their respective folders.


I then found in "Orbx/FTS_NA/FTX_NA/FTX_AA_KPSP" folder numerous .bgl files relating to KPSP.  "CVX_Westsim_KPSP_Landclass.bgl" is an example and lots of files with "Westsim_KPSP_*****" files.  


Then under "Orbx/FTX_NA/FTX_NA?SCA05_SCENERY" folder I found 2 files "ADE_FTX_SCA_KPSP.bgl" and "ADE_FTX_SCA_KPSP_CVX.bgl". 


Under "Orbx/FTX_Vector?FTX_Vector_AEC" folder I found the file "AEC_KPSP.bgl".


Under "Orbx/FTX_Vector/FTX_Vector_APT" folder I found the file "ABP_KPSP.bgi" and "ABP_KPSP_Default.inactive".


I think that is it.  I hope this helps.  As always, thanks for your help in this matter.



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Hey Jarrad,


Just as aside to this KPSP situation I am having a lot of issues with the new OpenLC for NA you guys just added.  Not sure if that makes a difference with this issue or not but wanted to mention that.


This shot is on runway 18 looking Northeast towards South Lake Tahoe.  Lots of blue patches on mountains and even city blocks on sides of mountains.  No ocean west of KSAN either.  I'm sure this is a totally separate issue I'll address later but if it is somehow related just wanted to bring it up.  





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G'day Ben, thanks for that.


13 hours ago, Benjammin said:

Under "Orbx/FTX_Vector?FTX_Vector_AEC" folder I found the file "AEC_KPSP.bgl".


This particular entry would indicate that AEC has switched KPSP back to "active" - you'll just need to deactivate it again using the tool and that should sort out your elevation problems. In regards to your OLC_NA issues, I'd suggest making a new support topic with a couple more screenshots - this will help the OLC team identify the issue further. 




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Hey Jarrad,


I have tried to switch from "Active" on AEC then deactivated it as suggested to no avail.


Here are some screen shots.  The situation got worse when I installed the Carenado Citation 525 which is belowKPSP CJ2.jpgKPSP1 (1).jpgKPSP2.jpgKPSP3.jpg 


Again, I have built Prepar3d Ver 3+ from the ground up using Ver 3 installers.  I started with Global, then Vectors then NA LC, then So Cal then No Cal.  I have never had these issues in FSX so I'm assuming it is a P3D issue????


Thanks again for looking at this issue for me.


Ben Elder







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