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Steam - FTX Central New Migration Question

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I have several FTX products and i've been using with P3D.


Recently i bought steam during the summer sale and installed it recently. I have installed Global , Vector and Open LC along with PNW etc.  The last thing i did was to install the recent Orbx Libraries (160708). Now i understand after this FTX Central will no longer show the Apply Group etc. after the migration. But for some reason i do see it in my FTX Central for FSX. 


Wondering if there is something i am doing wrong. Any help is appreaciated.


The ftx central version its running is 2.1.6031.32439


meanwhile -- ive p3d working fine; i would go back to it. 





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After looking around a bit on the forums - i have nailed this down as an issue with respect to having installed FSX earlier on my machine. I followed Nick Coopers sticky on the FTX Central 2 for the registry fix.


I also uninstalled and reinstalled Steam FSX. i was able to get it go through migration when i reinstalled the latest orbx libraries. 


However, after several tries.. I am stuck where FTX Central Opens and says 'Unable to locate scenery.cfg' 


my ftxsettings.xml shows something like this under steam\fsx\orbx\scripts\ftxcentral




I tried copying my C:\Program Data\FSX and made a new C:\Program Data\FSX-SE  and it still doesnt help ; when i open up central i still get the same error. 



BTW - I just also noticed the FSX Registry Value specified by Central for the location -- I don't find anything in my registry. 

I do see entries in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\


Any help here is appreciated.


thank you




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Try this instead

  <FSXRegistryKey>SOFTWARE\Microsoft\microsoft games\flight simulator\10.0</FSXRegistryKey>


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Nick - thank you for you reply.


Just tried that - upon opening central.. received the same error(unable to find the scenery.cfg file)  and central changed the setting files back to what it was before..




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Thanks Nick; I had copied the same files program data \fsx to a fsx-se but there was a space in between..  


Now i am not receiving this error :).. 


Central Opens up now. Currently i just have global installed it says it needs an update but when i click it  says 'No Compatible products found the simulator' -- now this is new :)


I assume by copying the scenery.cfg file to a new fsx-se folder; central is able to write the new scenery insertion points on to this folder but i would assume i have to copy this back to other FSX folder for steam to pick up? 


Also any thoughts on the 'No Compatible Products Found' error 


Sorry; i decided give steam a chance after seeing a bunch of reviews on youtube; now rethinking my decision here LOL


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NIck -- I agree with the observation but i did go through the pinned topic and was not able to get it to work.


When i followed the steps i saw my registry entry for Steam did not have the co-existence set to 1 and also there were no fsx-se folders in c:\program data etc.


In the past hour, as you mentioned that Central seems to think i am running Steam along with FSX and i thought i would try this


I set coexistence to 1

I reran the registry fix tool to set my steam location. 

and reinstalled global and right away it pointed on the drop down (FSX:Steam along with boxed fsx and P3D v2).. it is right to hink i dont fsx ( i have uninstalled it -- i dont).. 


then i ran the libraries again and ran through the migration.. 


Now Central opens fine and no complains of the scenery.cfg.i am redownloading vector from FSS -- will give it a go along with openLC NA..


Not sure if this would cause issues but seems to work so far (CoExist) but will give it a go .. Let me know your thoughts.



thx again 



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