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VRInsight Radio Stack - anyone got it?


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I'm looking at the VRInsight Radio Stack, but I have two specific questions:

(1) Does it work with add-on GA aircraft (e.g. Carenado, RealAir Scout, etc.)? It isn't clear from the VRInsight web site, and it worries me that they felt the need to publish a compatibility list (with not very much on it).

(2) Do the rotary frequency selection knobs work reliably? Unlike the ones on the Saitek radio panels, which are rubbish.

(3) Any other comments...?


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Hi Mark. I own the Radio Stack which I use in FS9 mostly. It works fine with all the 75 aircraft I have used. Its software is only started after Flight Sim is open, aircraft selected and avionics operating. The radio frequencies et al are replicated on the Radio Stack which then controls the sim. This operation is reliable though fiddly having to minimise FS9/X.

The rotary knobs are fine and offer push, push selection change. So far these have proved reliable, nicely tactile and smooth in operation. Can't imagine you would object to them. Sorry, I don't have experience with the Saitek so can't comment.  :-\

The autopilot controls work as expected and comes with a choice of function labels depending whether you prefer to fly GA or tubes.

Really this metal-encased product is quite simple ... it just gives physicality to what you are used to doing with the sims avionics. That it also does it at a relatively affordable price meant for me it was a no-brainer purchase. And I would do the same again tomorrow. ;D

Best of luck

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Thanks, that's great news. The knobs on the Saitek panels are are 'clicky' but sometimes one click advances by two steps instead of one, and sometimes none. In other words, to get the precise digit or frequency you want you usually have to fiddle by rocking the knob back and forwards until it 'sticks' on the right setting. This is just about tolerable slecting frequencies - or it would be in a device costing half what these do - but bear in mind that to set the transponder you need to go through this rigmarole four times, which is infuriating. The Saitek panels are going back tomorrow, but they have already made it into the raw material for my next video...

I am pretty sure I will order up the VRInsight panel!

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