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REQ: Someone to create scenery for my home @ IS65 - $$


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I was wondering if there was anyone out there that I could $$ to re-create/render/build/compile the private airport that I live at here in North Central Illinois. The ICAO is IS65 (Woodlake Landing or Sandwich Airport).  I use P3D v3.3.x (latest) and would like the forest preserve just to the west of the airport included as well. Its a small 2 runway airport and should be very easy to do. I also would want my building(s) added and if possible, my ham radio tower (shown in picture) included as well....just for kicks.


I know there are scenery designers out there that are pretty easy to use, however, it's time that prevents me from doing so at this time. I will compensate whoever is interested and provide you with any other pictures/details you might need.


If anyone is interested, please let me know. There is no hurry of course....I have been wanting to do this since the Flight Sim 98 days.


Tnx guys


Tim Dickerson




SkyVector Info: IS65 - Woodlake Landing

Airnav Info:  IS65



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Hi Neil


Yes! Thank you very much. Orbx objects are just fine. I would even offer to pay ya....


Tnx RE: antenna farm.  I am a big CW DX'er and hang on out 12/17 & 30 a lot. I lease tower space to Rise Broadband as well so others can access the Internet.


Tnx a bunch.....


73 de ARS N9NU

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Hi n944la,


I've started IS65, wow, it was quite a ways out of position,  I'll let you beta it when it's ready if you don't mind.  That way I get a I get good feedback as I only see it from above.


I got my first license in 1953 when I was a sophomore in HS.  Got my extra ( that 25 WPM was a bear) in 1961 before the General class lost loads of it's freq's.  My only claim to fame was I got 8th in the World in the 1959 CQDX contest, it helped that my call sign then was 5A3TR, I was in Libya with the Air Force.  I'm not active now as I can now do easily on the internet what I struggled to do prior to it's introduction.  My main interest was DX but with a stateside call and low power equipment I didn't do well!!  I've never been on 12/17 or 30, spent my time on 15 and 20, and 10 when it was open (as it was in 1959!!)


Cheers, Neil

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Hi Neil


I am so sorry for not getting back to you in regards to the scenery you made for me there. I actually got a new position at work and have been swamped beyond my capabilities here...lol.


I just purchased P3D v4.x and will load er up with the modified file. It looks great as is. Yeah sure some minor issues that you couldn't have known about, thus no biggie on those. I didn't realized it was so 'off' as you said. Was it off with respect to location (LAT/LONG) or just the default objects and such. I do remember it from FSX and yeah it was pretty bad...heh...however, it's a small, piss-ant little airport that's now private (used to be public) so it doesn't deserve much more than that LOL.


I still have this NDA that I signed for John Venema, CEO. for beta testing as well as developing, so I hope to work with ya soon here.


Thank you again for the work you did Neil


Tim Dickerson



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Can I just say I love this thread lol.  Looks like a neat little airport, I'll have to check it out once the global airports work in v4.  How long ago did it go private Tim?  Was there any particular impetus from the FAA with airspace analysis or just too much paper work keeping it public?   

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Perk


It went private back around 2000 or so. The airport owner did not want to comply with the new regulations pertaining to a 'public' non-controlled airport & regulations....things like no fencing adjacent to Vincent Drive (at the west end of the airport), taxiways were too close to the 'T' hangers and other miscellaneous things. This guy is a &^^^%^(%^(%^)%)%_  (insert whatever words you like) lol. He's extremely cheap and does not want to maintain it. It's been for sale for 15 years. The latest asking price is only $6,000,000 now....including all the vacant land to the south...for more houses eventually.  It was the home to Skydive Chicago for many years under Roger Nelson (now dead) and was very busy when I moved there in the early 90's. Roger Nelson had a wee bit of issue with the DEA as he was importing substances that he shouldn't have. LOL. You can go online and search for that. We still have one of the largest paint shops in the Midwest (Woodlake Refinishing), however, the traffic has since diminished considerably. Most of the home owners have planes so they of course don't want to see if go to some developer with a 'tear up the runway and put in a strip mall' type deal....which I fear.


Believe it or not, back in 1997 we had (I kid you not) a stripped down (inside especially) 737-200 (one of the earlier models) land here for paint work. It was a woman pilot with *&*&* bigger than I will ever have. I fly all the time, however, would not attempt landing a 737 on a runway that is just about 3000'. I had to block off the east side road so she could come in and touch down well before the threshold. The reverse thrusters were on before all the tires hit the pavement....I was on the radio with her giving here any WX and traffic info. Absolutely amazing....and there is plenty of video to back it up. She made it with room to spare....turning off right at the paint shop taxiway...lol.  She did wait until there was a good, steady headwind (~15 kts+ if I recall). The take-off was just as exciting. I don't know the exact specs for a 737-200 stripped to the bone inside with just enough fuel to make it from Aurora airport nearby to Sandwich and back...with respect to minimums, however, I don't think you will find any that show under 3000' 'acceptable' lol.


We still have several L-39 Albatross Czech military trainers come in for paint work. They are part of a demonstration team (all black). Lima Lima flight demo team comes in too quite a lot still. I always hear there practicing locally....they are from Naperville, IL.





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