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i am having an issue with this , at NZOX there is water textures atop a mountain  when looking from above it shows massive mixed up textures, 

see screenshots , 


i tried reinstalling the prepar3d update for scenery which will wipe out ORBX global and all was fine , the second i reinstalled Global , problem reoccurred , 

what is the problem here 


i would like anyone to tell me if they have fixed this without a systemwide reinstall which on an SSD when i have 200 gigs of data , its considerable to say the least not to mention the reduction in the lifetime of the drive by having to re write large sections 


windows 10 , 

diangostic reporter ID ot7f609d0e6257505a87f4ed341a6c0ff8 

this should contain my FSS numbers for validation , 


thank you in advance , 


PS , great job on the v1.40 vector fix for TFFS , thanks 

Screenshot 2.jpgNew Zealand NZOX 

Screenshot 3.jpg


edit: this is in Australia near Brisbane , 


i also has some black tiles on river edges in Switzerland , 



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go to C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3


open scenery.cfg


add Texture_ID=1 under [Area.001]


just like 


Title=Default Terrain


save it then try it

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16 hours ago, Penzoil3 said:

Standard questions.

1-  Did you install the latest library files ?

2-  Did you after installing the library files, open FTX Central, and let it activate the scenery ?

What do you mean activate the scenery :huh: ? 

  @ Evren Gokasar

that is exactly how my scenery cfg file is , with ID=1 

Title=Default Terrain


i have attached it to see if you can see any mistakes in it 

many thanks for you time 


i have noticed slimier troubles in the past where the installation breaks after a period of time almost as if something is exceeding a file limit given the shear volume of data orbx global and vector install , is this a possibility 




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If you don't open FTX Central after the installation, the new files are not activated in the sim.  You have to open FTX Central and let it do it's thing before you fly when you have installed new scenery.


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can you  explain what you mean by let it do its thing , 

when i install i always open central and away run the vector auto tool 

i can find no reason for the kind of tile corruption unless orbx is having memory issues and file indexes are over loaded with too much data.


i have done all that , i cannot find a fix for this level of corruption that plagues the orbx products , i am beginning to regret buying them due to the amount of maintenance that is required to keep them in the same state that i installed them , 


by this i mean that i now have to wipe p3d completely off my system and reinstall , i cannot find any other way of fixing the issues , 

does orbx rely on any kind of registry settings ?



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