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Ain't she gorgeous?

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Took the pretty lady for a spin around Townsville.  Love her looks, but her purr is something else too!  And she's quite temperamental - you have to take really good care of her or she'll dump you in a beet field!  Dang, now I gotta watch The Aviator again...

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Beautiful...but remind me...didn't that flight all end rather badly for 'The Aviator" ? ;)

Yes, Mr Hughes did crash land into a beet field, but he also broke the world air speed record as well. Plus he walked away from the crash. I think the original H1 Racer is hanging in the Smithsonian............correct me anyone if I've got this wrong


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Thanks guys.  You're right, Tony, with everything you said.  Hughes wasn't content with having beaten Raymond Delmotte's speed record by almost 40 mph (his new 352 mph average after 7 passes to Delmotte's 314 mph) and so then he walled the throttle and achieved 370 mph in the eighth and final run.  In all that excitement he ran the tanks dry and had to crash land in a beet field.  With the red beet juice all over the plane his friends thought he was badly injured but he suffered only minor injuries.  The plane was later rebuilt with longer wings to establish the new US Transcontinental Record a few months later in 1936 (7 hours 28 minutes and 25 seconds).

Stefan Hoffmann's work on this plane is amazing: the looks, the sounds, the complex engine management (have to monitor cylinder head, oil, and carburetor temps closely, avoid shock cooling, etc.) - everything together creates an exhilarating experience.  At around 22 USD this plane is a steal.

And of course, being able to fly over such amazing scenery makes it even more immersive.  Pure excitement.

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