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More from around Shelter Cove - Garberville (O16)


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Hovering around outside Shelter Cove (0Q5) I was doing my usual "wonder what's over that ridge?" thing and went exploring. Lovely bit of scenery all around here, and with the aid of Capt Google discovered Garberville.




(little bit of tearing where the treeline gets misted at the bottom of this next one)






And there's Garberville!








Imagine living somewhere like this - and having one of these machines to buzz around in. Homer says "mmmmmmmm!"












Loads of other little places around here to visit, plenty of fun ahead


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Thanks folks, glad to help plug NCA for Orbx - it's a great place well done.


16 hours ago, briansommers said:

is that the mosquito from flysimware?

if so, how does it fly? I'm thinking of getting it. 


Hi Brian, yes it is the Flysimware Mosquito. As for the how does it fly, I'd be the first to admit I'm a useless pilot (I'm mainly a Ctrl-e, get off the ground and woggle the stick around kind of guy) so I'm probably not the best guy to offer a critique of this. I can fly it around, but it has been know to suddenly dive off in directions I hadn't meant - which I actually take to be a sign that it may well be quite well modelled and is behaving appropriately to an idiot who doesn't have much knowledge of flying rotors. But it sure is fun! By comparison, I find the Alabeo R66 a much smoother beast to fly.

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