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YMML Textures Issue - Compatible with P3D v3?

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Before you read this please understand for the most part I love orbx scenery (I have a fair bit of it and want more) but I was disappointed here and felt a bit misled. 


I am having some issues with the YMML taxiways, they're not visible due to being far too blurry.  I thought I'd investigate, probably something silly so looking through the forum I read the following post, doing a search first on my issue, this looks identical.


Can I just make an observation here that I think you guys need to take note of.  I'm not sure saying this product is P3D v3 compatible is a fair statement when there is an issue with the taxiway photorealistic textures.  It does state however on your product list that it's P3D v3 compliant and I'm not sure that's accurate.  Perhaps since there is a known issue with the orbx textures and P3Dv3, it should be noted and not stated that it's compatible.  I bought this in good faith thinking it would look like it does on the photos on your site, but it doesn't, it looks like the attached.


I understand that you're in the process of updating YMML to V3 and there will be a charge for this upgrade for current V2 users.  Since it's a large change I can understand that completely, there will be a lot of new features, but can I politely request that if there is an 'uplift' charge that for recent purchasers of V2 for YMML that the total equates the cost of V3 version for people like me who have bought V2 for P3D (assuming it was compatible and would look like the screenshots) and can't really enjoy it as much as they had hoped.


If however, I have made a mistake and this issue is correctable, then I'd really like to understand and be told what the fix for it is.





YMML Textures.jpg

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