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Complete re-install, puzzling effect on closing sim

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Following my recent problems I had to resort to a change of MoBo and a complete re-install of windows10. I also decided to go solely with P3Dv3 and drop the FSX SE, [all those Orbx installs in duplicate].

Happily the install went well and have now started reloading sceneries, up to open LC so far.

The only hitch I have is that when I close the sim it re-arranges all the icons on my desktop and push them to the left side. I have posted on the P3D forums but was hoping that some of the knowledgeable folks here may be able to shed some light on this.


I doubt this problem is anything to do with orbx  products but after what`s gone before I dread getting all my sceneries re-installed only to find this problem means doing it all again, help!


Cheers Reg.

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