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Question for Jarrad - KTEX problem

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Hi Jarrad


I finally got around to purchasing your latest masterpiece. Installed OK. FTX Central shows KTEX installed

in Global(I believe that is correct). Ran Global Vector config tool. Ran Makerwys.exe. Running latest version of P3D(Ver


My system is i7 6700k CPU, TitanX 6meg graphics card, Corsair 16gig 3200 RAM. Sliders fully maxed in P3D.


Now to the problem at KTEX. I have set KTEX config as per KTEX .pdf. When I start P3D using default Beech Baron58 as my default scenario at YPAD

then select  Realair Duke Turbine or FI Mustang  (with FTX Central set at Global or North America) and then select KTEX ( say parking gate 1, 2, 10)

I have the problem as shown in the attached graphic. This does not happen if I select Rwy 9 (only available runway after config selection).

If I then select a starting gate all is normal. This anomaly does not occur at any other Airport or using other aircraft described above. The problem

is resolved if I reset to default scenario at YPAD and then reselect KTEX and any gates. Originally the last sentence was correct but now the

problem returns.

I have now reinstalled(twice) KTEX but the problem persists. All evidence of KTEX on the computer removed before reinstall including registry.


I must admit that I was a bit quick in taking the image as the airspeed gets to about 180-200 knots  and the surrounding mountains pristine

condition is certainly changed with my blood, body parts and aircraft splattered all over them.


Seriously, could you advise what is wrong and how to remedy the situation, when time permits.




Noel Southam










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G'day Noels, 


Apologies for the delay, I've been out the office for the weekend. I've tried the same scenario at my end and can't replicate the issue, and I'd like to clarify a few points;


1. Starting a flight at YPAD in default aircraft, then changing to addon aircraft (Duke etc), then changing location to parking spot #1,2 or 10 at KTEX = floating issue. 

2. Starting a flight at YPAD in default aircraft, then changing to addon aircraft (Duke etc), then changing location to runway #09 at KTEX = no floating issue. 

3. Starting a flight at YPAD in default aircraft, then changing to addon aircraft (Duke etc), then changing location to runway #09, then changing location to parking spot #1,2 or 10 at KTEX = no floating issue. 


I have this info correct? 


If that's the case, is there any reason why you don't start a flight from scratch at KTEX parking 2/3/10 with the Duke from the P3Dv3 start-up screen? If you try this, do you get any problems? 




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Thanks for responding Jarrad. Much appreciated

Answer to your queries:

1. P3D  Default aircraft or Duke Turbine or  Flight 1 Mustang makes no difference when I select spots - floating  issue present.

2. From floating position , if I then select go to airport then active runway no floating takes place.in default aircraft. Same, no floating in Duke or Mustang

   and aircraft are positioned correctly on Runway 9.

3 You are correct. If I go from Runway 9 to any of the parking spots everything is okay. No floating.

4. Changed from my default load up at YPAD and ticked "show scenario startup screen" in options, With that done, on restarting P3D, scenario

    start up screen appears, select any of the aircraft above, then select airport and any parking spots and it loads correctly. No floating.

5. I still wonder why this problem occurs when selecting parking spots from my default start up scenario I created at YPAD for any airport except at KTEX

    where I experience this problem.

6. Looks like I will have to do as suggested in your last paragraph.





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