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P3D V3 YBBN Jetway Issue

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First of all I'd just like to say fantastic job on updating YBBN to P3D V3. It's nice that the layering of the groundpoly has been increased so shadows are cast onto the groundpoly in P3D. Many other developers claim P3D support but the layering is incorrect and the aircraft shadows aren't visible so good work going the extra mile and changing it. 


My issue is with the jetways on the international terminal. They worked absolutely fine in FSX and in P3D V2 (unsupported I know but it worked fine). When I upgraded to P3D V3 a few months ago the jetways would not move and attach properly to the aircraft as seen in the image below. This was only an issue at the international terminal (excluding gates 75 and 76) and gate 24 at the domestic terminal. The PMDG 777, 737 and Airbus A320 all had similar results (sometimes it would go up in into the air rather than downwards). All other jetways at other airports (including YMML) work fine. I decided to wait until YBBN was updated to actually support P3D V3 but sadly it was the same result. I know it isn't the biggest issue in the world but it's just slightly frustrating. I have a sneaking suspicion it's something on my end rather than the scenery but any help would be most appreciated. 


Thank you in advance. 




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You are correct in that many of the jetways in the P3D V2 and V3 versions of YBBN do not work. What worked in FSX does not work in P3D unfortunately. Many of the YBBN jetways were quite erratic, some folded back on themselves, some went down when they should have gone up etc.


You have no idea how much time we spent trying to resolve these problem jetways. In the end, we decided to leave those that were working correctly in place but to replace the problem ones with statics rather than holding up the release of this airport any longer.


We are still working on trying to find out why correctly modelled jetways are not working in P3D and hopefully we will have this sorted at some time. When we do, we have structured the YBBN P3D files in such a way that we will be able to easily roll out the working jetways in place of the static ones via FTX Central 2 with a minimum of fuss.  

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Thanks for the quick reply. Good to know that it wasn't something on my end but sorry to hear about the trouble you guys are having. Hopefully you'll be able to work it out one day but I understand how much of a pain the FSX IK jetways are to program and I appreciate the effort you guys have put into the jetways in YBBN and YMML in the past. Most other developers only model one type of IK jetway and use that across all of their sceneries so it's nice that the domestic jetways at YBBN and YMML move in only one direction as in the real world. 


Just for your information on my system they worked absolutely fine in P3D V2.5. Not sure about V2.4 or earlier as I never used it. 


Thanks once again and good luck!

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