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Goin' up the Californian coast


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Out of Sonoma, heading up north along the coast a ways














Not sure what that last airstrip was, but this is (I think) O48, for Little River






Did land, but nothing much there so headed off again




Heading up past Little River, towards Mendocino. Never been up here for real, but the place is a big emotional thing for me 'cos of the Kate and Anna McGarrigle (sp?) song from the '70s (anyone else remember it?). Never knew where it actually was, but that's another of the great things about this hobby/obsession - I keep Google Earth open on another screen and get to discover all sorts of things about what's down there.






and off up the coast -






Sure looks good down there. I would love to drive down those roads, but I really can't be a*s*d to go through all that would be involved to get there in the real world, so this will have to do. And actually, it's not a bad substitute.




Ain't this fun?


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Great shots, and an even better narration. I usually make the G-Earth evaluation while doing the Plan-G-planning, so I join your geography lessons in a slightly different way. At least for those places I do not know yet...

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2 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

My man Andy - you're forcing me to boot up my sim right in the next moments!


Glad to be of service, Bermuda. I always feel a bit hesitant about posting lots of shots as it has a bit of the air of "look at me!" about it (although I usually manage to overcome my reticience, as you may have noticed <grin>), but then I do like to share the views that take my fancy and I know I certainly use other folks' shots as inspiration to go explore places I don't know about. And looking at others' shots has cost me a bundle in new aircraft!


So, if the visitor numbers to Mendocino shoot up, or if anybody discovers Kate & Anna McGarrigle from this post - well then, my work here is done!

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