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Un-Wrapping Installers - Very Lengthy


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Is it normal for Orbx installers to take a very very long time to un-wrap?  This process (for me) can take up to 60 minutes (sometimes longer) to unwrap.  The product installs successfully once the un-wrapping is complete, it just takes awhile.  

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While they can take a bit to unwrap, 60 minutes is way too long. It normally takes a few minutes for the larger ones, but I've noticed antivirus software with file protection enabled can cause the process to become much slower. Just for testing, can you try unwrapping one installer without the AV running (all FSS downloads are 100% safe)?



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Antivirus software checking can cause it, like TymK said.  Another possibility is where are you saving the downloaded ZIP files, then where are you unwrapping them to?  Possible issues in that regard could be:


1.  How much room do you have on the drive?  If the drive is relatively full, AND the downloaded ZIP is large, remember you will need space for TWO "copies" of the file...one for the downloaded ZIP file and enough remaining space for the extracted files from the ZIP.  If your drive doesn't have much room remaining on it, the extracted files will have to be placed all over the place on the drive.  And if the drive is severely file fragmented to begin with, that can make it worse during the extraction (it could even be worse extracting from an internal drive to an external drive). Something like the Global Vector ZIP download is 6.6 GIGABYTES in size, so you will need 13 Gigabytes on a "same" drive to extract that alone.


2.  If you are downloading the ZIP file to something like an external hard drive, then unwrapping it to an internal hard drive, file transfer rates could be slower during the extraction of the ZIP file.  Same thing if you do it the opposite way. Read/Write speeds between internal and external hard drives will be slower than using all internal hard drives.


If it isn't your antivirus software scanning the extraction files, here are some other recommendations for you to try:


1.  Download the ZIP AND EXTRACT it to an internal hard drive.  After the files are extracted, you can always "move" them to an external hard drive later (but I would still install the extracted files from the internal drive first, just in case it is a problem of Read/Write transfer speeds where you have the files located).


2.  Check the remaining storage space on your drives where you are extracting them.  Make sure you have plenty of room on them for large ZIPs and extracting those Zip files.


3.  Defragment your drives.  Makes continuous storage areas available and will prevent the extracted ZIP files from having to be placed all over the place on the drive when extracting them.

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