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Patchy snow


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Hi there,


none of the Global products control which seasonal variants are being displayed where and when meaning what you're seeing is the default behavior. Actually, there are two things happening in your screenshot: the tiles with the "dithering" along the edges show the default seasons control file at work, alternating between winter and spring landclass tiles; for more information see 


The other thing is that your current weather situation includes active snowfall. In that case the seasons control file gets overruled and the sim dynamically starts switching all tiles near your aircraft to the hard-winter variant (simulating snow accumulating on the ground). However, that happens without any edge blending and also in a semi-random fashion, which explains the checkerboard pattern near the aircraft.


In short, the only way to not have this happen is to move the date forward by a month, which should give you a more uniform spring landscape, and also to avoid weather with active snowfall. Alternatively, for the latter case, force the scenery library to refresh, in which case all ground textures will be switched at once to the snow covered variant.


Cheers, Holger

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