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Unplanned round Australia in a helicopter trip (lots of pics)

Ryan Mason

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Well I set off from Launceston the other day, having toyed with a round Australia flight in a helicopter for a few months and once I got flying I thought "well why not now" so here I go, started in Tassie and have no specific way I am going, just pretty much wherever I get invited to go, but I will post my screenies as I go, as you can imagine it will be somewhat slower at 80-120 knots than most flights but it will be an experience as I am taking the dodosim 206 along for the ride, so authentic all the way.  Here is some pics of my first few legs.

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Leaving Launceston, on the way to Gerogetown

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On approach to Georgetown

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Well I only got to Georgetown before the helo had some issues, a visiting news crew were nice enough to ferry me along to Burnie

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Stopping at Devonport for fuel

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Comming into Claude Rd

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On the ground in Burnie

The maintenance crew were nice enough to drop the helo back to me at Burnie

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Overflying Smithton

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On approach flaring to land at Woolnorth

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Woolnorth wind farm, really is spectacular in the sim, pics just dont do it justice

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There's Balfour comming up.

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The flare is way harder to judge in a low skid when you usually fly a high skid!

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On approach into Ford creek.

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On approach to Strahan

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last stop for this leg, Strahan, less pics next time, I promise!  hope you enjoyed.

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Yeah, great idea and excellent pics ! As a two time around the world and once from Seattle down to Cape Horn and back up to New York multiplayer i have to warn you...  ;D. You'll ask yourself what the heck you are doing there, while you are hooked and unable to stop. Take some Aspirin on the last leg because high blood pressure  :D

Good luck on your journey  8).

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I flew my third segment today and ran out of fuel just above the airfield! its was a cool autorotation, the dodo boys have it spot on! pics tomorrow, even in the heat of emergency I still snapped away lol

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Great shots - but may I ask why the Dodosim? Seems to be virtually no difference from the default Bell?

Oh contrare my good friend, they couldn't be more different mate, the dodosim is as real as it gets, its the PMDG of helicopters.  All authentic performance and failtures as well as startup and shutdown procedures.

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Dear hcornea,

I would like to thank you for your help and your link.

Effectively The "Bell 206 FSX DODOSIM" is a very realistic addon and really more hardcore than Bell 206 of FSX.

For all the persons who wish to pilot one helicopters really realistic and hardcore I propose you DodoSim FSX.


I live in France and I don't know the Australia and I did not know that it could snow on mountains around Launceston, due to FSX every day I learn new information.

Thank you to Aussiecop because with the screenshots I was able to learn that it snows in this region.

Best regards, Olivier.

PS: Sorry for my poor English....


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