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Captain Sim 767


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I was a bit surprised to see the Captain Sim 767 available today, so I did the deed and bought it.

I also have the Level D 767, so I have an aircarft to compare it to.

How does it fare? Well, it's early days yet, but I already have mixed feelings.

I still cannot understand CS's thinking releasing a heavy that has been done (and done beautifully) by another very successful company, Level D.

Anyhow, here are some pics from my first and second flight.

First flight only lasted 2 minutes as CS's 767 hung my computer totally after I selected the autopilot from the simicon panel.

I gotta tell ya, I got 52 aircraft in my flight sim folder and only two have ever hung my computer like that. They are the Captain Sim 757 and now the 767.

However, it wasn't all bad. I restarted my PC, checked everything was Ok and restarted FSX. Selected the 767 again and this time I avoided the simicon panel.

Cycled throo the views and took some pics and here they are:

Typical Captain Sim attention to detail cockpit

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Overhead is beautifully modelled

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External model is nothing new, but a few new views are nice

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They finally updated the pilot and co. I was sick of those two in the 757

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Interior is beautifully crafted, displaying nice cabin graphics

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There's even juice and fruit to snack on for those long hauls

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Engines have detailed fan blades

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Nice clean lines, but again, nothing too new.

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There are two manuals that come with the model and are quite elaborate in detail.

Don't be thinking you will just jump in this baby and fly away.

Like the Level D, you need to do IRS alignments, pre flight checks, procedures.

If detail is your bag and you want another heavy like the 767, here it is.


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Given CS's track record, I wouldnt trust their products performance or systems functionality, to be honest I will give this product a miss. I fly the LVL D 767 for its Systems functionality only. If this cant provide the same performance there is no sense in buying it......

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