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Installed Blue Demo of Tasmania and FTX Traffic

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But there doesn't seem to be any traffic at all.

I've checked the sticky and it's installed correctly but no matter which airport I go to there's nothing no GA no FTX traffic.

I have WOAI installed for all tas airlines Jetstar, Quantas, Quantaslink etc? I've read that they shouldn't cause any problems but can someone confirm.

When I go to Sydney I get around 40-50 plances in the sky but of course that isn't an FTX region for me at the moment.

Any help would be appreciated. I've got the AI sitting at 50% also my FPS has dropped from 40 to 15 since installing traffic but I don't see it lol

thanks for any and all help.

Ok just completely uninstalled all WOAI craft and now I get nothing at sydney and nothing at Tas either.

I'm running FSX SP2 (no acceleration) on Win 7 64bit.

Everything seemed to install correctly.

The only thing I couldn't find was the docs and settings app data :(

Under users there is app data but there is local, roaming and local low but non of them contain any FSX files. :(

I've got OZx running as welll ver 2.1 and the strips are inplace checked 3 of them on tas itself.

Shame as the world is quite empty at the moment.

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Guest volcom1720

*I think I have the answer, and we like quick service John!  :)

First, Welcome to the forums!  ;D

Ok well FTX AU Traffic has all airlines that go to & from Australia. So there's no need for your WOAI because FTX AU Traffic already has Jetstar, Qantas, Qantaslink etc.. So that might be a reason of your FPS going down, you've got WOAI and FTX AU Traffic installed. WOAI used higher models of AI planes like Fruitstand so your more likely that WOAI is killing the FPS.

As for the General Aviation, FTX AU Traffic does not have GA. You might have to get a freeware GA add on, I'm not sure but there's a thread in this forum about it so one of the lovely moderators might find it for you (if there really is a thread, pretty sure there is)  ;D

And it depends on the airports you go to for the traffic. Theres not enough information for me to go further but the "big jets" will appear in places where the "big jets" really appear. Your not going to see Qantas in a small airfield, but you will in Brisbane, Perth, Darwin, Sydney and anywhere else that where Qantas really flies to.

*Make sure you dont have too much AI traffic, 50% is enough. I personally run 47% because it's my sweet spot  ;D

So if this hasnt covered everything just post again and add a little bit more detail.  ;)

Happy FTX!  :D  ;)


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I've added more info.

It's a mystery and once I solve it... if I solve it. I'll let you know.

I'm not sure what you mean about fs9 planes?

It was a new install on a new drive I've uninstalled WOAI for the moment it was working in Sydney but now it's completely empty as well.

Does it matter what position it's in in the scenery table in game?

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Guest volcom1720

Ok just completely uninstalled all WOAI craft and now I get nothing at sydney and nothing at Tas either.

If your willing try a complete reinstall only installing FTX AU Traffic not the WOAI and that should do the trick, OR do an FTX reinstall.

For the order of installing FTX products go to this link - http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=8155.0

For instructions on how to reinstall FTX:

1. Open up your FSX and go to settings then go to scenery library and untick everything with "FTX" in front of it. Then delete everything with FTX in front of it.

2. Go to your desktop then open up you start menu and click computer(if running on Vista, if running on XP click My Computer) Then go to local disk or whatever disk FSX is installed on, then go to program files then go to Microsoft Games then go to Microsoft Flight Simulator X and delete the WHOLE ORBX folder!

Now after that I recommend when you do your reinstall of FTX do it in this order http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=8155.0

Hope this helps  ;)

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if you have any fs9 AI Aircraft installed the AI will not work in fsX.

So you better check if that is the case.

This was the case.

Although I uninstalled WOAI using their uninstaller their BGL files were still in world/scenery/ I hadn't used the convertor on the WOAI files so they cancelled out the GA and also FTX traffic.

Looks great but now I have noticed another problem with Hobart.... the buildings are in the middle of the taxi, parking area :(

I'll post a screenie tomorrow I'm bushed here it's 01:30.

Thanks for taking the time to respond people and happy flying. :D


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