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Instrument training : Under the Hood!


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Hi All

Driving to the airport this morning I could see the cloud coming in.. fortunately Terry reckoned we would make it to the Kings training area. Todays lesson was instrument flying, with me wearing the 'Hood'. After a quick brief in which we discussed the instrument scanning techniques with the traditional six pack. Today's aircraft was VH-TAV, which does have working cabin heat! Not quite as cold as yesterday, 2 deg C with only a variable 3kt wind, but still cold enough to Require cabin heat.

Terry had already fueled the aircraft when I got there so that saved some time, no delay getting clearance to Kings via Bungendore, although we did have a strange taxi clearance, out on to Rwy 30, back track down to taxiway mike and then back onto charlie down to Rwy 35.. skirting around a qantas 737 that was pushing back. Called the tower and after telling us to line up we were cleared for take off with a right turn, and a request to make a right turn as early as possible to avoid R455 which was active, so I complied and got to buzz the tower ;D

We were climbing to 4000, which just below the cloud base, but I did have to descend down to 3700 for a while to remain visual.. took a while before we could see Bungendore. Approach control then asked us if we thought a visual approach would be possible for Rwy 30 for an inbound metroliner, reported back cloudbase at 4000 and 8 ocktas. Once we were clear of controlled airspace it was time to don the hood. Terry took over while I did that as I had to take off my headset to get it on. Once I was set, I took over again and we spent the next 40 minutes or so with me flying with Terry acting as ATC, most of the time at 3500 as the weather was getting worse and rain squalls were coming through. Then Terry took over and told me to look at my lap while he put the plane at an unusual attitude and then told me to recover to a specific course and altitude. No problems with that, wings level, look at the altitude and airspeed and quickly work out what to do. I can say that it was a lot harder than stooging around in FSX using the autopilot. It was quite turbulent today (as it quite often is just below the cloud base), so I was working hard to maintain course and altitude.

When we were done with the instrument training I took the hood off and had absolutely no idea where we were! Of course that was all part of Terry's evil plan to get me lost :-\ I did a climbing 360 turn and soon spotted Mills Cross, circled around (but not over as it's restricted below 3500) it while climbing up to 4000, showed Terry where the Queanbeyan model aircraft club field was (I'm a member there) and then we contacted approach. Cleared direct to Canberra, told to expect delays though as we were number 3 to land. Then after a few orbits for the delay (good for practicing 2 minute turns!) we were cleared for a visual approach on Rwy 30. The runway was not easy to see as the weather was coming in, but when I rolled onto final the PAPI was showing 2 whites, 2 reds... right on the glide path 8) Of course the tower had to spoil things and request an exit via kilo (that usually happens so wasn't unexpected) so Terry asked for the usual intersection landing to avoid the long taxi. Damn! I was hoping to use the PAPI, as it's only ever been turned on once before while I was flying, and then another instructor in the circuit requested it be turned off! Landing was good, right on the intersection.

Another good lesson, although flying under the hood is quite exhausting, especially with the turbulent conditions. Next lesson is next week Tuesday.


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That bits easy.  Wait till you get to do NDB let downs in 30 knot winds

LOL! Baby steps... still working towards GFPT and PPL. I will continue (if I can afford to!) on and do an IFR rating but that's some way away (currently averaging less than 1 hr per week!).


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Another good report Vincent. You are certainly steaming ahead. I may have been lucky with picking up good crosswind landing practise last weekend but you are definitely further down the track than I am now!

Well done!

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You've just reminded me of an interesting idea I had recently.  I wonder how initial IFR familiarisation would go if you had a flightsim rig in an enclosed cabin on a gimbal of some sort so that the whole rig could be moved left and right forward and back.  The instructor could then have the rig leaned at a certain angle while the instruments showed another angle, and you would have to maintain level flight or a turn or whatever even though your senses were screaming at you that you were at a different attitude.  Could be good training to lock in the idea that what you see and feel in IFR can be two totally different things and no matter what you feel the instruments must be obeyed.

What think y'all?

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Another good report Vincent. You are certainly steaming ahead. I may have been lucky with picking up good crosswind landing practise last weekend but you are definitely further down the track than I am now!

Well done!

Not really that much further along than you, only a couple of lessons. Time to get stuck into the books now though!


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You've just reminded me of an interesting idea I had recently.  I wonder how initial IFR familiarisation would go if you had a flightsim rig in an enclosed cabin on a gimbal of some sort so that the whole rig could be moved left and right forward and back.  The instructor could then have the rig leaned at a certain angle while the instruments showed another angle, and you would have to maintain level flight or a turn or whatever even though your senses were screaming at you that you were at a different attitude.  Could be good training to lock in the idea that what you see and feel in IFR can be two totally different things and no matter what you feel the instruments must be obeyed.

What think y'all?

Sure, I'd love a fully enclosed motion platform sim.. just haven't figured out how to build one that a) I can afford and B) will fit in my garage!

I've been working (on an off) on a G1000 hardware interface for FSX.. really must try and find the time to get it finished. I have most of the parts needed (dual concentric rotary encoders etc), just got to put it all together.


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