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Hi, I have just upgraded my Sapphire r7-260x video card to MSi gaming gtx970. I have installed latest gpu driver but Orbx scenery takes a long time to regenerate when changing views, are there any settings that I should change as this card certainly isn't showing any improvement.I am using a 3 monitor set up. Any suggestions would be appreciated, should I now use Nvidia inspector profile for fsx?

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I have the same CPU and GPU. Don't do anything with nVidia Inspector until you get the problem sorted out. Messing with the drivers at this point will probably just make things worse. Are you absolutely, positively certain that the old AMD drivers are completely gone?  I'd start by cleaning the remaining AMD stuff, if any, and reinstalling the NVidia drivers from the CD that came with the GPU. See this link as a possible way to be sure all the AMD stuff is really deleted:  http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Clean-Uninstall-Utility.aspx  .



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4 hours ago, oldsheppy said:

cpalmberg,    thanks for reply,not sure how to rebuild shader cache?

Assuming you're using FSX, find your \Shaders folder, which should be located in something like "C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\FSX\Shaders". You want to delete this folder but make a backup of it first just in case. Next time you start FSX the \Shaders folder should be rebuilt automatically. The \AppData folder is hidden so you might have to allow hidden files to be viewed.

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