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Hi there,


Just bought the ESSA scenery. The installation went well without any errors but when I spawn up all buildings are missing, only the black outlines in the ground can be seen. I can't see any signs or other objects either, the runways appear fine though. Any ideas? I'm on P3Dv3 on Win7.



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Hm, looks like something about the install is corrupt. I can see the blue lights there as well, but there are no blue lights in the scenery.

Could you try to reinstall the scenery? Also, check in the scenery library so that Arlanda is above all landclass/mesh stuff but below the orbxlibs.


If that doesn't solve it, please post a few from daytime, I have a feeling that a lot of other stuff is missing as well.

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Hey Ian!

Do you happen to have any other addons that would have an impact on that area? Looks like there is conflicting scenery files that causes the double gates and a different AFCAD.

Is there anything above the airport in the scenery library stack (except orbxlibs)?

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