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Overwhelmed by the textures!

Dexter Dog

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I am in awe of the beautiful textures that FTX provides. I was just wondering if they have perhaps been upgraded even further with SP3? There seems to be even more detail and variation when you look below!(or am I just taking more notice?  :D)

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Other things I have been noticing (am I getting warm?!)  ;D

- Telegraph poles along some roads (I was thinking I was too far away from the nearest Orbx or OZx scenery for this , though maybe not!).

- Much of the streets in small towns and suburbs appear to be aligned better  - they make more sense!

- Improved (and a greater variety of) textures in all areas.

- I am noticing more detail in some towns / cities, again this might be OZx too. Brisbane area seems very detailed (cranes at ports for example), and flying over Darwin I have noticed significant changes that seem to match my maps much closer!

- More traffic? Just seems to be plenty zipping around; I followed the same truck with a Helo last night for quite a long distance along a bush road before it finally entered that "Twighlight Zone" of AI traffic and disappeared!

Whatever, it is all good!

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