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Local airfield now obliterated by trees and wrong textures


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This is my system synopsis,  ot4f2eeb8345722302b1b454a7f2c7d311


My local airfield, Blackbushe, EGLK has always had a problem with ORBX trees too close to the main runway. Now, however, the entire airport has been wrecked by trees and textures that don't belong to an airfield. I assume this happened after recent updates?  EGLK is one of the prime reasons I use FSX and seeing my local airfield looking like some old disused wartime relic is not too nice...


Can this be addressed as soon as possible please, I really want to get back to flying from my 'local'...while other local airfields seem OK, Blackbushe is far from OK...





PS one of many order numbers, this is for England  FSS0379922

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Order # FSS0379922


My woes over EGLK's corruption continue....I cannot believe my bad luck in just my "home" airfield becoming unusable by a sudden out break of trees. The landclass textures have overtaken the airfield..A total mystery to me as Blackbushe (EGLK) has been fine until recently, I return from a few days away and it is totally unusable. Am I on the right thread to seek help on this matter as no replies received to date....


I'm desperate to get Blackbushe operational again but need help from the support forum, or should I direct my need for product help elsewhere??  FYI I run a forum devoted to Blackbushe Airport  http://blackbusheairport.proboards.com/


That might show how keen I am to get my virtual Blackbushe back.. PLEASE can somebody help???


Thank you


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I really can't offer step by step advice, but it sounds to me like the exclusion layer that should cover the airfield is not working for some reason. I have a question though, which might help people more knowledgeable than me assist you. Other than FTX England, what else are you using in the area? For instance, are you using UK2000 VFR Airfields Vol 1, or any other airport replacement?

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Hi there,


I just checked EGLK and it displays as intended here. Thus, as paralipsis suggests, you probably have an incompatible third-party version active at higher display priority than the FTX group of entries. Let us know if you find anything; if not post a screenshot so we can compare with our installations.


Cheers, Holger

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Hello and thank you for sending out a lifeboat!!


OK, FTX England is as far as I have gone with scenery. Mesh I have used from FS Genesis, otherwise no add on airfields other than those I have bought from the ORBX collection. Blackbushe has been fine until last week when I was surprised to see the rapid growth on the airfield.... I did fiddle with ADE to try and change EGLK from traffic to tower ATC service but failed despite umpteen attempts.  Could I have triggered the problem by doing whatever I did??


Screen shots of Blackbushe today...












AS you see, not quite ideal for flight operations.. I fear I may have done something stupid with ADE, but no idea what....


Any help will be incredibly gratefully received..



Peter "EGLK"

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Not only are there trees where there should be, but the default ground texture for the airport is missing. Here are some screenshots I took on the ground at EGLK, with FTX England active, and no airport addons at all. Orbx Trees and REX4 textures will account for some differences.






While all the parked cars, buildings, and static aircraft are the same, the ground texture is completely different. I took these last night when I read your post. I just wanted to see how close the tree line was to the runway, so sorry for the lack over overhead comparisons to match with yours.


Do you have the latest orblibs installed?


If not, that's where I would start. And if you already do, I would consider trying to re-install FTX EU England, and then re-intall orblibs.

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Hello again..


Thank you for your screen shots.  That is indeed how Blackbushe looked prior to this strange change happening.. I have Rex4 and Soft Clouds, ORBX Trees,  The Blackbushe ground texture was present, but as you see has been overtaken by the general scenery... I installed the latest orblibs last week.


If I reinstall FTX EU England I assume that my FTX airfields will all need to be reinstalled afterwards... Not a problem as all the downloads are waiting. Would I uninstall my add on airfields first, namely Popham, Goodwood, Shoreham, Compton Abbas, and Old Warden?


About to hit the sack now as getting late in UK, but look forward to picking up your thoughts on above questions later...Must say with ASN weather, REX4 clouds, FS Genesis mesh and all the FTX terrain layers the FSX experience is excellent. I look forward to getting Blackbushe back on line soon!!


Many thanks


Peter "EGLK"

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I'm not sure it matters to much about the FTX England airfields. I've only just started acquiring individual airfields and have yet to reinstall anything since doing so. I'd try reinstalling England and orbxlibs first and start up a few flights in add-on airfields as well as EGLK.

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One more, really simple thing, that you could try before reinstalling. Open FTX Central and "apply" your chosen region (either Global with hybrid ticked, or Europe), then close up FTX Central and open your flight sim and load up a flight at EGLK. It's certainly not guaranteed to work, but it's a low effort thing to try, and it would suck to go to a whole lot of effort if it just ends up that your Orbx scenery is just not applied correctly.

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Another day has dawned... Followed your very kind instructions exactly as described.


Reinstalled FTX EU England which did involve reinstalling all the add on airfields.  All remains well in England EXCEPT Blackbushe where the problem remains unchanged.....  I usually fly from Farnborough EGLF which is close to Blackbushe but has a much longer runway so can continue local flight ops but really would like to use Blackbushe. Any further help eagerly awaited... Trees on the threshold of runway 25 at Blackbushe have been too tall and too close ever since I started using the ORBX products in FSX.  I've brought thsi up before but found no way of improving the final approach. However, that is small compared to the present problem!!!


Next move???


Best wishes

Peter "EGLK"

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Hi Peter,


you mentioned that you've made a different version of EGLK with ADE; is that still active? Since ADE doesn't allow to load the compiled polygon components (i.e., our ADE_FTX_ENG_EGLK_CVX.bgl) your own version would likely exclude or overwrite the Orbx grass polygon and flattens. Thus, you may want to deactivate your version again, or else search for any other active bgl file with the EGLK ICAO in its name that may interfere with the Orbx version.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger


Thanks for your latest message.  With ADE I had tried to change EGLK from 'traffic' to 'tower' ATC service as per the real world.  Despite following all the instructions the change would not happen. I saced these attempts thinking that EGLK would now be converted to Tower ATC, but it never happened.  During this time EGLK remained the same to look at. Why the change as illustrated in my screen shots has happened I am at a total loss. Did I do some harm with ADE? I just don't know...So far as I'm aware EGLK remains 100% as it comes with FTX EU England.  I'll check out ADE_FTX_EGLK_CVX.bgl  and report back as to what I find....meanwhile thank you again for your help.


Regards, Peter

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Hi Holger


Right, as per my previous message I've had a dive around and not too sure what to do as a result...


ADE_FTX_ENG_EGLK_CVX.bgl is located in the ORBX folder along with ADE_FTX_ENG_EGLK.bgl


In ADE opening from the drop down under LISTS


File,'open stock airport' leads to ....steamapps\common\FSX\scenery\0501\scenery and lists file APX47130.bgl


File, 'open airport' leads to a project file  C, MSFS, FS Design Tools, airport design editor 165, FSX, projects . This is where file EGLK_ADEX_PMB.ad4 is found. Dated 19/12/2015  today's date....


File, 'open from bgl' leads to many files including ADE_FTX_ENG_EGLK_CVX.bgl and ADE_FTX_ENG_EGLK.bgl


Under "Projects" in ADE I find in find 'find project'   EGLK_ADEX_PMB folder located C\MSFS\FS Design Tools\airport design editor 165\FSX... dated 11/07/2015


That's where I am..Blackbushe remains covered in trees.  Does any of the above help???


I'm turning in now as the UK clock says time for sleep..


Thank you again!!









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Hello Holger


Still scratching my head as Blackbushe EGLK remains out of service.


To answer your previous question without lines of my waffle, I do not have any other component loaded other than your ADE_FTX_ENG_EGLK_CVX.bgl. I cannot see any other source that might be causing the problem shown....


Reinstalling  FTX England failed to change the situation...Your further suggestions eagerly awaited..Please!



Peter (EGLK)

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Hi Peter,


I'm sorry but I don't know what else to suggest. With just the original FTX ENG active the airport will display as shown in paralipsis' screenshots above. If not then there has to be another .bgl file active at higher display priority that changes the display. Are you certain that you don't have any other folders above the FTX block that may contain files for EGLK? What happens if you move the FTX ENG entries to the top or temporarily deactivate all entries above the FTX block? 


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger


Thanks for your further suggestions.. I have looked in FSX/ORBX and FSX Scenery/WORLD/SCENERY for any possible offending files. Am I looking in the right places? Being one of the great uninitiated could you advise as to the procedure in moving FTX ENG to the top of the FTX block or deactivate entries above the FTX block..  Sorry to be a pain, but I don't want to inflict any further damage due to my fiddling!!


I bet the answer to to this would be obvious to anyone with a better appreciation of how things tick in FSX...


Cheers, Peter

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14 minutes ago, eglk said:

Hi Holger


Thanks for your further suggestions.. I have looked in FSX/ORBX and FSX Scenery/WORLD/SCENERY for any possible offending files. Am I looking in the right places? Being one of the great uninitiated could you advise as to the procedure in moving FTX ENG to the top of the FTX block or deactivate entries above the FTX block..  Sorry to be a pain, but I don't want to inflict any further damage due to my fiddling!!


I bet the answer to to this would be obvious to anyone with a better appreciation of how things tick in FSX...


Cheers, Peter

The quickest way, that is easiest to reverse as well, is to go into FTX Central, select Settings from the bottom left corner, then Tools from the to route menu that appears. From there open up Library Insertion Points. Move the orange FTX entry to the top of the list and then Save Changes. Leave the blue OLC (which is OpenLC) if you have it where FTX Central puts it by default.


Try that out. If you are still having problems then you can turn off all add on scenery you've installed apart from FTX England in the scenery library from inside the sim. This is not hard to do, but can be a little tricky to walk back if you've got a mixture of active and inactive scenery items, as it can be time consuming to note what to turn back on when you are done testing.


If either of these fix your problem, it's then possible to go step by step turning on, or giving priority to, other add ons until you locate the one that's messing with FTX England.



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Well, I just couldn't wait until the morning....It may be getting late, but would your suggestions work??


YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I dragged the orange FTX to the top of the list, hit save and ventured into FSX.... Fingers tightly crossed.


BLOW ME DOWN!!! There was EGLK in all her glory..NO trees  and the grass was back....  I went out of FSX and rebooted.Yes, it's still OK..


Why on earth did my local airfield take the hit and do what if did?? Very odd, but never mind, I can fly from Blackbushe once more.


One final question...if I may. HOW do I change airfields from "traffic " to "tower" service?? Blackbushe should have "tower" but simply has "traffic" in FSX. I tried to change ot through ADE and maybe doing that caused the strange problem I've had?? I'd really like to know how to bring about the ATC change as many airfields have the same situation and should offer a "tower" service..


Many many thanks again for the solution to my problems at EGLK. I can now go and sleep easy!!!



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In many ways if it ain't broke don't fix it applies..BUT on this occasion my question re changing from traffic to tower ATC service is based on the fact that numerous airfields have got the wrong ATC service in FSX/ORBX and for the sake of realism need to be updated.  It may not be 'broke' but it ain't right and I would love to know how to make the change. It should be easy via ADE but having tried numerous ways the ATC service seems to be protected from my efforts. I would really like to know how to change this...



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I wish I could help you, but I only just started using ADE and related programs in the past week, and I'm just barely getting a handle on how FSX does airports. I can't imagine it would be too hard. Just make sure you apply all changes you make by putting your altered files in single folder with an obvious name you can switch on and off in your scenery library. That way, anything you change should be easy to reverse.

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