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Unable to exclude vector lights?


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Hopefully I'm posting this in the right forum. (Probably not) I do believe this is a vector issue. If not, please move this to the proper forum if able. Anyways, I have a scenery I created that has been in beta for about a week now. Two of my beta testers both brought this issue up to me. It seems that there is a vector light floating just off the ground near my airport, but on deactivating my scenery, they said that the light remained and no vector roads, or anything the light could be attached to were visible at that location. 


I'm trying to figure out how to exclude this light. It seems to be glitched out or something, because using an "exclude all" in ADE did not fix the issue for them. I figured this would work since it supposedly excludes effects. I posted on this over at FS Developer, but I figured it may help to go right to the source as well. The issue is located in the Solomon Islands.


Light: http://i.imgur.com/VQmanOT.jpg


Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!


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Hello CB,


              Could you please provide a precise location with Lat/Long Coordinates so I can check this on my end. It is a good idea for future reference to take note of this Locked post as follows. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/70448-please-include-latlong-coordinate-and-screenshots-in-bug-reports/


Thank You.




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Noted for next time. I talked with one of the testers yesterday and he actually informed me that the light disappeared on its own after shutting down the sim and installing the latest ORBX Libs. I haven't got word from the other tester. It must have just been glitched or something with the Libs. I have included an image of the coordinates just in case you want to take a look.


Coordinates. http://i.imgur.com/AN1kN87.jpg



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