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Roads in Canada take 2


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To the Pilots team,


I was taking another low and slow flight (Newfoundland into Nova Scotia and up to New Brunswick in Canada).  Same road problems as seen in Alberta and Saskatchewan (only major roads and no nice intersections).  


Well, I started crossing N - moving along Transcanada 104 at 45 deg 43.37 min N latitiude and 63 deg 52.95 W longitude and started noticing - wow, nice roads, small roads and interchanges start showing up. So problems may not be completely across Canada.  I'm flying toward Quebec.  I'll try to document what I find along the way as I move through New Brunswick and Quebec.


Looks like testing needs to be done at numerous locations across Canada. Lots of testing will need to be done in USA/Mexico and Carib countries when that OpenLC area is ready to be tested.  Let me know if you need some help.



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Went through New Brunswick and Quebec and noticed full vector scenery in all of its beauty (nice fall colors and all of the data to make it seem real).  Seems that so far, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and most of Nova Scotia are missing good data. Still have more to explore as I have time.



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