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My first aborted takeoff!


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Another attempt at practice forced landings again today. Weather not too bad, 130 at 6 knots so Rwy 12 in use. Had a different instructor again today, Naveen (not sure of the spelling), one of the more senior instructors. The aircraft today was WWS, fresh from a 200hrly inspection and a few other repairs. Since we were heading off the training area we topped up the tanks to almost max takeoff weight. On take off we were running through the usual checks.. pressures and temps ok, airspeed indicator alive... ummmm.. waiting... 40 knots.. 40knots... hmmm :-\. After using half the runway we decided to abort as it was clear we were not going to get to the rotate speed of 55knots. Called aborting and taxied back to the GA park. Had a look at VFR but it already had too much fuel so would have been over MTOW. So no flying today, booked again for Tuesday, hopefully it will be third time lucky on the PFL lesson!

I suppose I did get some free radio and taxi practice ;)


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You're not having much luck of late Vincent! So what's wrong with WWS? Was the engine just not performing?

Well the best rpm it would do was only 2400, and we struggled to get past 40kts. Not sure why, as it's just had a 200hrly done, the mags checked ok during runups. Naveen was going to talk to the maintenance guys.


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