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UHMD all land.

Jack Sawyer

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Looks like a region switch might not be working?  Try cycling through the regions again.  Possible to get wrong scenery if the region is set wrongly on install.


Try unticking each of the areas in the scenery library and see if you can identify which one is going wrong, then perhaps uninstall and reinstall ensuring that FTX Central is set to the right setting.


Would help to know the coords and scenery area in question.

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Hi John, I already tried cycling several times.  Global, N/A, Europe.

Unicking is a good idea, I will try that.

Uninstall and reinstall what?  Not sure what you mean.


Don't really need coords as it's directly above airport UHMD.  Directly to the west it's okay.

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Right, well, I've unticked everything that will allow me to untick but the default scenery and it still shows that land.

Perhaps it's a problem with FSX?


Can anyone go to UHMD and see if they have water nearby?  And do an overhead view?

Maybe someone can help troubleshoot this for me else I'll have to live with it.


Thanks for your help again.



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Well, I finally figured it out.  The file in my FSX scenery library that causes this is called "UT Exclusions For Default Scenery"


It is located just above Edwards_AFB.


I have no idea about it but I know it's UTX.


I don't want to ask in a certain forum because they don't like Orbx which I think is unfair.  So maybe someone here can help?



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Hi Jack


It looks like the St Lawrence Island is pretty well drawn in your pic. If you do not have Vector, it should mean that your UTX covers Alaska up to PAGM Gambell, as I doubt that the default shorelines are so good in that Heaven forsaken region. PAGM is the closest airport from UHMD and may have a wide exclusion  zone. In that case, you need to find the UT tile file in the UT folders and disable it . I don't have UTX, so I do not know how tiles are referenced. If you don't find it, you should ask Allen Kriesman at his forum, he is a nice guy.


Another explanation, less likely, is that Scenery Tech LC has a flaw there. Disable it to check, in the library and, if it is thr case, look for the tile. 

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Gosh, this sounds complicated, I wouldn't even know where to begin.  I don't have Orbx Vector.


I wonder how I'd go about finding a tile or even which one.


Who is Allen Kriesman and what forum is he at?


I disabled all files a few at a time till I found that it is only this one particular one.


Thanks Dominique for helping.

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Welcome to the world of simulation. Yes, it is sometimes a pain in the rear but you learn what to do after a time and, who knows, you may even like to troubleshoot after a while.  After simming for 35 years, I still hate it though :lol: !


Allen is the UTX designer and his forum is the Flight1 forum you said you didn't care to go to.


Now, if you want to solve your problem, you gotta work my friend. Providenya awaits you. Unchecking the Scenery Tech landclass in the library is easy enough for a first step and don't forget to hit ok to reload the scenery.


If the issue is still here, recheck the ST LC line and uncheck UT Exclusion for Default Scenery line (I didn't see that one....).

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I already did uncheck it and did all that.  The only one that causes this is UT Exclusions For Default Scenery as shown in my screenshot.


I do not want to go to that site because they are downright hostile to Orbx.  I even stopped buying their products and now have Orbx instead of their other ones.  All I really have from them now is the GTN750 and UTX.  Deleted everything else.


When I say hostile I mean VERY hostile.  I don't even want to go there.  I don't want to disparage anyone or talk bad, it's just what I have seen from them in responses to other people that horrify me.  


I'll just live with it unless someone here can give me more detailed instructions. 


Like I said, I'm a novice when it comes to this stuff.

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So you have to explore, on your own, how UT is organized.  Nobody can help you here, this a Flight1 issue. Generally that kind of addon is cut into small files (tiles), each one having a title reflecting its coordinates. Most of the time, these files have a .bgl suffix. Find the right one and rename it to disable it


BTW, if unchecking UT Exclusion for Default Sceney works , where is the problem ? Does disabling it bring issues elsewhere ?


Good luck !

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That's a good question.  I haven't had a chance to check out any places to see if it causes problems.


Ok, so these tiles have a .bgl file extension.  How will I know which one to look for, will it be UHMD?


I'll have to try to explore and try to find these tiles but it's like a needle in a haystack.


Thanks for you help again Dominique.

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Hello Dominique, I posted today at you-know-where. A guy named Jeff got back to me and he seemed polite and said he duplicated it. Here's the text. I haven't had a chance to fix it yet as I'm now doing other things, just wanted to follow up so it might help others.

OK, I can reproduce this issue (and it has likely been there since the release of Ultimate Alaska).

There are 7 UTX exclusion files for cell 0109 which covers the region you highlighted but there are not any UTX products which actually modify anything in that cell. I am therefore not sure why they are there.

Try the following:

- Shutdown FSX

- Go into FSX->Scenery->UtExcl->Scenery

- Search for files which finish with 0109a.BGL (should be 7 of them)

- Replace the .BGL filename suffix with .XXX

- Restart FSX


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