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Don't understand scenery library.

Jack Sawyer

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Can someone please set me straight?  I'm not really familiar with how the scenery library layering works.  Could any kind soul tell me the proper way to have my scenery library library set up?


I ask because although I have FTX Global set to Global in Hawaii I get water where there should be land and it moves as I came on shore in the float plane.  As soon as I got to land the land under the plane would be land but as I moved forward the land would turn to water.  I just didn't understand it.


Follows is my scenery library if someone wants to help me layer it properly and I would be very appreciative of it.





















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Hi Jack,


To start analyzing your scenery-library, you need to adjust your "Library Insertions Points" in FTX Central 2.


Enter the FTX Central 2, <SETTINGS>, <TOOLS>, <Library Insetion Points>, drag the orange "FTX" above "Addon Scenery" -> click "SAVE CHANGES".


See how is your Scenery Library.


If all your third-party addons was above OrbxLibs, everything is ok.


Run your FSX.



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Thank you Voyager, I will do this.


What is odd is at one time I had used the same command and dragged FTX to some insertion point but yesterday I noticed that all FTX was at the top.


What you see in the screenshots was just my guess what it should be.


I'll let you know.

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Well, I did as you said but maybe it's an FSX bug because when I use the Kodiak float plane and land in water in Hawaii and then lower the gear and try to taxi on to the shore the land keeps turning to water as I go along.


I have no idea what this is as I have never even tried this before.


Thanks for your help.



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Know, Jack, I want to help you solve this issue, but I use P3D.


On the other hand, could confirm if that is the correct ICAO CODE, not locate this code even using the internet!



I'm sorry if I gave the wrong one. Will post the correct one later tonight.

Thank you for doing this.

You're using Global, but you've got both Ultimate Terrain and SceneryTech competing against each other.  Untick all of those and see if Hawaii looks better.

Hi Bruce,

I didn't know they were competing. I don't have FTX LC, isn't that kind of the same as UTX?

And isn't Scenery Tech mesh, correct me if I'm wrong because I know next to nothing about this stuff.

So in your opinion if I should permanently disable one which one should it be? Or should I tick and untick as needed but that begs the question, how will I know what to untick and where?

This is confusing, sorry and thanks a lot of helping me, I appreciate it.

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Know, Jack, I want to help you solve this issue, but I use P3D.


On the other hand, could confirm if that is the correct ICAO CODE, not locate this code even using the internet!




It was PHPA.  Sorry for the confusion.

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Bruce, could you please explain what I should do about the SceneryTech North America? Do I need it with all the Orbx stuff I have?

This landclass/mesh/vector stuff still mystifies me despite reading Orbx's excellent guide.

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You're using Global, but you've got both Ultimate Terrain and SceneryTech competing against each other.  Untick all of those and see if Hawaii looks better.


What should I do, permanently unselect one or the other?

Thanks ya'll.


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