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Rodger Pettichord

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Everything posted by Rodger Pettichord

  1. I understand your dilemma. Again, thanks for reminding us that the ORBX Forums are to lift us up not tear us down.
  2. Thanks for the reminder, Nick. Could i ask for clarification? I wasn't sensing a "political" discussion.
  3. Dale, I drank my round and told the bartender that a guy in Louisiana was covering the bill. Please come and pay my bail.
  4. John Y, I disagree. With what? Oh, nothing in particular--just making your day
  5. 1. Everyday, start the day by giving thanks that you have your own private room and a son who loves you. 2. Everyday, get out of your room and do something kind for someone else. 3. Everyday, get on this forum and disagree with John York about something (cf above). 4. Everyday, end the day by giving thanks that you have your own private room and a son who loves you.
  6. Dale, over the past six years, I have watched the fences contract and life get smaller. One bit of advice I was given has really helped. A counselor said, "Just respect your limits and find your joy within them." I really took that to heart and have tried to live that way and, oddly enough, am more content now than ever in my life. Best of luck to you, my friend.
  7. John, that's the trouble with being a revered venerable--your every word is taken in its best light.
  8. Thank you, Benny, for walking us through this unfamiliar resource. I'll bet that it will be a help to many.
  9. Jean Marc, the hours of research and work represented here are mind-boggling. So is t he level of talent needed to put it all together. Extraordinary! I concur with all who say it should be printed and published. Sign me up for a copy!
  10. As I enter my mid-seventies. one of the things I value most is people older than I am. The example and the insight help me know what to expect and how to deal with it gracefully.
  11. Actually, the plot is even more complicated than that... Wife 1: "Oh goodness. I have to hide quickly!" Wife 2: "Why? What's the matter?" Wife 1: "I've just spotted my husband and my lover about to follow us onto the course!" Wife 2, looking hard at the two men behind them: "Now that's a coincidence!"
  12. Thanks for sharing that, Terry. Now I feel better about following exactly that same schedule.
  13. At this stage of life, moderating myself is the hardest challenge. I've yet to meet a lame Grandpa joke that I'm not willing to share with some squirming young person.
  14. Hey Thommoj. Getting settled in to the seat and got the scene-scan going. If there's a problem down there, we'll spot it. Thanks!
  15. Glad to share a round with you good fellows. Too old to make the trip to the pub. Please send bottles of single-malt well-packaged to my home.
  16. Hate to be an enthusiast, but at age 75 I check ORBX every day--the General Discussion Old Coots Club and the Community Screenshots. By now, I have a sense of the personalities who contribute regularly and would hate to spend a day without them. I enjoy the little side jaunts that take place, and I specially treasure the personal stories and memories that are shared. Lots of good people here who have lived interesting lives. That's all good in my book.
  17. I would like to make a brief comment about this Forum and this thread of it. The ORBX forums are my first and only introduction to such discussions. I didn't realize how nasty and personal other sites could be until I went to one the other day to follow an individual's posts. Fifteen minutes later, I had shut it down and was looking for a place to purge my stomach. The ORBX Moderators do a heck of a job keeping the conversation within pleasant limits. And (so far as I know) participants make considerable effort to remain civil and considerate. I always feel like I am among friends here, and I never fail to enjoy the conversation. So....That's what I think about that. Thanks for letting me say it.
  18. I always figured that maths were the universe's way of keeping us English Majors humble.
  19. Hi all. Since the first post of this aid, several folks have sent very helpful suggestions. I'm resubmitting the thread to include those suggestions. Good luck to all newbies! For Us Dummies--How to Post ORBX Forum FSX Screenshots with Windows 10 Select screenshot from your "pictures” file. Right-Click chosen picture and select "Edit with Paint 3D." Left-Click upper left "Menu." Select “Save as.” Left-Click “Image” icon at the bottom of the page. Rename chosen picture and save as jpeg image in desktop "Pictures." To do this, delete original name and rename something simple. Open options in the “Save as” slot by Right-Clicking the drop-down arrow. Select jpeg option. Click “Save.” You now have two copies of your picture, one original and one jpeg renamed. Open IMGUR. Register if you are new. Home page registration box works best. Drag/Browse selected jpeg picture from “Pictures” to IMGUR box. [NOTE: To “Drag,” Left-Click on chosen picture and hold the Click button down while moving the cursor. Picture will follow the cursor. To “Browse,” Left-Click “Browse” button and select shots.] Selected picture appears in IMGUR box. Watch upload bar. This may take a moment. If you want to include more than one picture, right-Click “Add More Images.” Repeat process for each jpeg picture. Drag each selected jpeg picture to IMGUR. If you get nothing but a blank transfer, check to make sure you selected your jpeg picture. The originals won’t work. It has to be a jpeg format. When done, right-Click “Done” button. To transfer pictures to Forum, you will have to do each one individually. EDIT 16th September 2020. Following the forum update, the forums no longer accepts the “BBCode”. The “BBCode” is the [img] [/img] at either end of the link. The forums will accept a direct link. This is the code in between the [img] and [/img]. You can either edit the BBCode to remove the [img] and [/img], or better still right click on the image and select "Copy image location". Then paste that into your post and the image will embed itself. If you use a different image hosting site, please select the Direct link. Please note that the Orbx forums will not accept links except from https sites, http will no longer work. Minimize IMGUR window. Open ORBX and go to Forums. Open Screenshots Forum. In Screenshot Forum, Left-Click "New Topic." This opens your display page. Enter a title in the “Title” slot. Right-Click on blank entry area to paste "BBC Share Code” into the new post. The code will look like a string of letters and numbers ending in jpeg. If desired, minimize ORBX and return to IMGUR for further entries. Repeat steps 14-21 for each selected picture. To return to your IMGUR picture set, simply click any dark space on the code page and your list will reappear. When you have copy/pasted all the pictures you want to your display page, you will have a page consisting of a list of code-strings. Go to the top of the Post area and find the icon looking like a sheet of paper with a magnifying glass on it. Click this icon. It will change your code-strings into your selected pictures. This should complete the formation of your screenshot thread entry. Left-Click “Submit.” Enjoy! ADDITIONAL NOTES SEE #8 ABOVE - A SHORT CUT FOR MOVING PICTURES FROM WINDOW TO WINDOW 1. You can open two working windows side by side to make picture transfer easier: a. Open ORBX Screenshot Forum “Start New Topic.” b. Reduce this window’s size by Left-Clicking the square icon on the right upper corner of your screen just to the left of the x delete icon. c. Move this reduced window to one side of screen by placing cursor at top of window and holding down Left-Click button to capture the window. Move captured window to desired location and release click-hold to set window. d. Open a second window for your IMGUR page by moving cursor to the small grey parallelogram just to the right of the tab label in the upper left corner of your screen. e. By repeating the steps described in “c” above, move this second window to a position beside your ORBX window. Release click-hold to set it there. f. Open IMGUR site as you normally would with your internet browser. g. You should now have two windows side by wide. You can adjust their sizes to your preference by moving your cursor to the window edge and dragging the margin to your desired position. SEE #8 ABOVE - A SHORT CUT FOR MOVING SEVERAL PICTURES FROM WINDOW TO WINDOW 1. You can move screenshots as a group if you don’t want to do it one by one. a. The pictures must be side by side in your “Pictures” file to do this. b. While holding down the “Shift” key, Left-Click on the first picture you want to select. c. While continuing to hold down the “Shift” key, move your cursor to the last picture you want to select and Left-Click it. You have now selected all the pictures from start to finish of your cursor movement. d. Left-Click on any of the selected pictures and hold the click while moving your cursor to the IMGUR input box. The dragged box should display a small number indicating how many pictures are in the set being transferred. e. Let the IMGUR process do its thing. You can watch the progress rate on the moving bar. f. When images are transferred, continue as in “14” and following above.
  20. 2nd Law = "It is what it is, and it will stay that way unless you change it to something else." At least that's what it seems like to this English Major. I'll defer to Ken Terry if he disagrees.
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