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Rodger Pettichord

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Everything posted by Rodger Pettichord

  1. My biggest lesson was learning when to keep my damned mouth shut
  2. Quite a feat! Bet the flight crew was as glad to be home as the rescued passengers.
  3. That homebuilt cockpit is waiting. Hope you're home soon.
  4. In This Week's Meaningless Topic, forum regular Ken Q mentioned that he was in the hospital with cellulitis. That's not a minor matter. Let's rally round our guy until he's better.
  5. Hi all. We have often noted that this Forum group is made up of people who are well-traveled, experienced, and wise with the wisdom of hard-knocks. Before we go any further patting ourselves on the back, perhaps it's time to note our deficiencies. THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC: What do you not know that you wish you did? (For me, it's the foreign language of mathematics)
  6. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Gerold. Möge es ein großartiger Tag und ein großartiges Jahr werden.
  7. John, thanks for going to all this trouble. I'll give it a try today or tomorrow and report back.
  8. Haha. Never tripped over the answer to that question although I listened to Frankie ask it many, many times. Thanks for the memories,W2DR.
  9. John, I'm afraid the instructions didn't work for me. I never came across the promised upgrade option in XBOX. All the avenues so far have been blank insofar as finding an options menu for the MSFS program. I'm assuming there's a simple click-to-update button somewhere, but darned if I can stumble onto it.
  10. A pint and a cake to you for your special day. Happy birthday, teecee.
  11. Hey John, thanks for the tutorial. I can't give a try until later, maybe even tomorrow, but I'll get back to you as soon as... Thanks again.
  12. Opened MSFS and was told that I had a mandatory update before starting--go to Microsoft Store. Went to Microsoft Store and spent an afternoon trying to find anything to do with updating MSFS--no luck. Went to Google and looked up problem for guidance--maze and a labyrinth. Seems to me that this should be a simple click, but's it's not. HELP!
  13. My most memorable Autumn was in Japan, 1968. I don't remember the name of the site, but it was a managed forest in northern Honshu as exquisite as a bansai tree. Every tree, bush, rock, and water-feature had been adjusted over the centuries until the whole was perfect. Throughout, there were small shrines and stone lanterns and stone posts placed just so. Because incense was burning in many of the shrines, and because the forest itself had a rich wood fragrance, the place smelled almost sacred. I'll never forget it.
  14. Hi all. The Autumnal Equinox arrived here in Spokane yesterday, and surrounding vegetation is already well into the celebration. Trees are changing from green to gold, grass is turning tan, flowers are going to fluffy seed. All over the world, autumn seems to be a special season (ever watch the trees turn in Saudi Arabia? They do.). Which leads to this week's topic. THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC: Where in the world did you spend your best Autumn?
  15. I choose both. The old Orbx sign was very familiar and even comforting to me. I loved clicking it. The new one is very abstract and different and artsy. I'll learn to love clicking it too. Whichever, Orbx is still my girl.
  16. My grandmother always took credit for her next birthday rather than be limited to the present one--for instance, on her 84th, "I'm almost 85, you know." Smart gal--always got credit for seniority.
  17. Still here. Congratulations to John on the new eyes. You won't believe how well you'll see as you heal up.
  18. Evertone younger says you are only as old as you feel. They don't yet know that when you are old, you feel every inch of it
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