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Rodger Pettichord

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Everything posted by Rodger Pettichord

  1. Hi all. Over the years, as flight simulation programs and Orbx have evolved, we flight simmers have had a long series of thrills. When Microsoft F9 came out, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. When Orbx released the PNW full-on regional, I almost had to go to the emergency room because of hyperventilation. Wow and Wow again! Such is the nature of this great hobby--it never stops providing joy. And that brings us to this week's topic. THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC: What Orbx release has given you the most enjoyment?
  2. Hi all. As far as I can tell, EasternT3 is the youngest of the Neil Hill Lounge gang. He's 23. The rest of us haven't seen 23 for quite some time. It is the obligation of the mature, wise, experienced, opinionated Old Guy to give plenty of unasked-for advice to the young. So here's your chance. THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC: What advice would you give EasternT3 at his tender age of 23?
  3. Thanks for the good thoughts, fellow lounge lizards. In addition to giving thanks for life here, I'll be giving thanks for all you folks. What a great bunch!
  4. Plus the time to learn most of life's lessons. Good on ya, mate!
  5. Okay, EasternT3, I hereby declare you mature enough to start contributing to these threads. We old guys need someone young to snap our suspenders.
  6. Just out of curiosity, what's the age range of this Neil Hill Lounge gang of miscreants? I'm 78.
  7. Hi all. Forum reader John York has published several very nice novels (available on Amazon). I have put a four-book series of novels on Amazon and am working on a new book. As part of my latest research, I have stumbled on a number of memoirs and novels by people of Forum age who went ahead and wrote that book they had always wanted to write. Which leads to this week's topic. THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC: Have you written and published a book or books? How can we order a copy (copies)?
  8. Happy days, clear skies, and green lights to you gentlemen. HBD!
  9. Wonder how many other Forum readers have personally known famous people?
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9-ltPsbw9g Unbelievable! This guy makes a great guitar out of a shovel--and he plays it really well. Worth seeing.
  11. I've just recently discovered an entertaining bass guitarist, a Japanese woman. Her name is Juna Serita and she often played with a funk-jazz group called Tokyo Groove Jyoshi. Well worth a Google.
  12. Hey, Adam, I agree with John. We'll call you DJ Adam Cool from here on
  13. Hi all. It turns out that we are a musical bunch. Meaningless Topics centered on music really touch our chords (pun intended. The other day, I was browsing YouTube and came across an Australian guitarist named Tommy Emmanuel. I'd never heard of him but immediately became a fan. A bit of Googling revealed a distinguished musical career and talent widely respected by other musicians. And that leads us to this week's topic, THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC: Which guitarists are on your list of personal greats?
  14. A release before my funeral would be nice .
  15. Bright days and lots of laughter to you, Sam. Enjoy!
  16. An elderly man driving erratically is pulled over by a patrolman at 2:00 a.m. After checking license and registration, the patrolman asks, "Where are you going at this time of night, Sir?" "I'm going to a lecture about alcohol, smoking, foolish old people, and aging gracefully," answers the man. "And who is giving such a lecture at this time of night?" asks the patrolman. "My wife," sighs the man.
  17. First Love = You Send Me/Sam Cooke College = Leaving On a Jet Plane/Peter, Paul, and Mary Graduate School = Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band/The Beatles War = We Gotta Get Out of This Place/The Animals Years as Parish Pastor = Holy, Holy, Holy/Reginal Heber (1783-1826) Retirement = Orbx Forum Blues I'm sittin' all day With little to say, Except to "Like" What others have said. It's a peaceful life With a much-loved wife-- Nap and Forum And our daily bread. I just strum this song Then move along To some rest And a quiet snooze. It's a very small story Without much glory, Just my version Of the Forum Blues.
  18. Hi all. It is said that song lives in the brain longer than thought. Stroke patients who have lost all mental acuity will nevertheless recognize and even sing along with songs from their past. All of us have songs that accompany powerful moments in our lives, moments of love, moments of danger, moments of change. Let's walk down memory lane and listen to the soundtrack (with a tip of the hat to John York for the seed of this idea). THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC: What songs accompany the most important moments of your life?
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