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Adam Banks

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Adam Banks last won the day on April 21

Adam Banks had the most liked content!


About Adam Banks

  • Birthday 04/11/1950

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  • Gender:
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Auckland, NZ

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Community Answers

  1. In search of the Mach Loop ... I never did find it ... and this song kept going through my head I was lost in Wales In the fields the birds were singing I was lost in Wales And the day was just beginning As I stood there in the morning rain I had a feeling I can't explain I was lost in Wales in love Apologies to Bonnie Tyler (she of the 70s hairstyle). The object of my affection (then and now) ... the incomparable C-130. Adam.
  2. One of the weirdest looking WWII aircraft, IMHO - but quite a sight! Great shot!
  3. She was my favourite beauty ... until she started chain smoking through every film. I guess the French film industry accepted massive bribes from the tobacco companies for their funding. Vadim's biography paints her unflatteringly as controlling and anal. Still a joy to ogle at though
  4. Glad you like it! It has a great VC as well. Thanks for the nice comments, folks!
  5. I've often found the odd "ugly duckling" in flight sims irresistible (I actually like the PZL Wilga!!) but I'm struggling with this one ... the [French] Couzinet ... given a trial run because it's freeware (!): I suppose it's a "chic" version of the Ford Trimotor or Ju52 ... though I must say I'd love to see it in RL! The shots are from around NZQN, so as to show off some Orbx HD Trees (very nice, thank you) here's another recent acquisition: the C-46 (albeit not without bugs): Adam.
  6. Is there any way we could [globally] prevent trees being seen as PG objects? Any specific files that could be renamed/disabled? EDIT: Thee appear to be dozens of threads about exactly this problem (I hadn't realised it was quite this bad). Here's are two: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/please-make-an-option-to-disable-trees-in-photogrammetric-cities/644979 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/new-Orbx-hd-global-trees-causes-me-issues/650676/4 So ... probably no point in cluttering the Orbx forum with this one :(((
  7. I like HD Trees - but I must say I'm confused as to how to run it: with or without photogrammetry <?> Here's a close up with PG OFF: Now see what happens when PG is ON: It looks like PG trees appear *as well as* Orbx HD trees. Same again (PG OFF): ... and with PG ON: I'm not sure why the terrain textures have different colouring - I think I took both shots at noon (same date), though I suppose I really ought to shoot a few more - with only MSFS default trees. I'm now running with PG off for most of the time - and can't say I miss it (!).
  8. Polish MiG-21 at the Wanaka Air Show (NZ Mesh + HD Trees):
  9. Nice!! A quote from a certain boxer comes to mind: “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” ...
  10. Thanks to all (both!!!) people that voted for my misty viaduct! Now I have to do the Orbs dance!!
  11. Your shots always have that "extra something"! Great!!!
  12. Nice shot indeed! Great terrain ... whereabouts is it?
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