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A.C. Ratone

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Posts posted by A.C. Ratone

  1. A big problem for me trying to use Paypal on Orbx Central is that the app is not very easy to size adjust. And I can't see the whole app on my 32" 1440p monitor. It is hard to click on icons when you can't see them because they are too low on the screen or too far to the right to be seen.


    I do not have this problem at all with Simmarket, JustFlight, Contrails, or the MSFS marketplace. I can see everything. Nothing is hidden and out of view.


    I know all the Windows keyboard shortcuts to move a window or to resize it. This does not help with Orbx Central. Orbx Central looks nice and slick. But for me it is not very usable because I can't see it all. Never have been able to for years.

  2. Payments of Paypal through Orbx Central or Orbx Direct sometimes works, but often does not. Who can guess how many tens of thousands of dollars in lost sales this has cost Orbx. Probably nobody knows. Even the Legacy forum has a complaint thread about this issue.

    As for me, I often pay more buying the same product from another site, rather than use the very buggy Paypal method on Orbx Central. I'm not the only one.

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