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Steve Colbert

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Steve Colbert last won the day on June 18 2017

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About Steve Colbert

  • Birthday 05/19/1976

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  • Interests:
    Flight Simulator, Die Cast Airliners

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  1. Stunning shots....before COVID I used to go to our factory in Brest every few months, it’s a gorgeous area.
  2. Awesome shots...just the kind of flying I love, and KBUR is one of my favorites.
  3. Great captures! Picked up this plane last night and love it.
  4. A nice shot there...you can sense the speed.
  5. Thanks everyone - I suspect many of you have a lot of cool Orbx content and maybe already have a Prepar3D license for the latest version...if so, and you’ve not tried P3Dv5.3 with the hotfix yet I highly recommend giving it a whirl, fun stuff, still amazed by how smooth it is (and their new Jobscheduler entries in the .cfg really help with the right settings, I’ve found).
  6. Very nice collage - happy new year!
  7. I like these shots! The DC-3 is a fun bird!
  8. After long disuse of my P3D I recently installed 5.3 then an "affinity mask" along with the Orbx TrueEarth sceneries and I'm now having the time of my simming life with velvety smooth FPS unlike any I've experienced before in any sim - 60FPS over Los Angeles or Seattle (No, I don't have my settings "full right" either nor have I tried AI traffic other than ships and Larry's ferries yet, but with the smoothness and Orbx photoscenery and bespoke POIs and airports I'm having a great deal of fun - the P3Dv5 team did a great job on this build. Some quick trip shots - Orbx Burbank to Palm Springs through TrueEarth Southern California P3Dv5.3. The lovely Art Deco Burbank Climbing out, lovely Orbx downtown LA in distance over the Hollywood hills. Downtown LA again as we head East. Rounding the corner into Palm Springs Final approach....water park looks refreshing.
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