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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Thanks Landon but I'm running P3D, not 5.3. I have no desire to go to 5.3 as this version was running perfectly for a long time. And I haven't made one single change since last month except for the NVIDIA driver. I wish I knew the driver I had installed before this fiasco. So, no changes to hardware, no new add-ons, no updates to addons of P3D, only the driver and not running the PC for a month. I guess what I really want to know is what's the most stable driver for this version of P3D and this video card. This is really annoying, I was this close to completely removing desktop simulation from my life and staying focused on woodworking but I have so darned much $$$$ tied up in Orbx's P3D stuff I don't want to bin it, yet. And I still have absolutely no desire to get MSFS till PMDG has the 737 (I read it's this close), the 747, and the 777 and A2A's planes. So I think hell will freeze over before that happens. Thanks for your help Landon.
  2. Hi guys, it's been a while since I last posted. Been doing other things but occasionally get a flight in. Today I was trying to make a wintry flight in P3D But before I did that I updated the NVIDIA driver to 511.23. The flight was from KBOS to KPSM, Active Sky and ASCA on as usual. Using the GTN as usual. The VRAM use was 4.1 of 10. But then I got the dreaded black screen and this box. So I rebooted the PC and tried it again. Same thing, roughly 35-25 miles away from KPSM I get the crash. So I went to NVIDIA's site and got driver 472.12. It was the only one I could find for my GTX 1080TI. Installed it, rebooted, and tried to make the same flight. Same thing. Black screen and this box. Anyone have any idea why this is doing this? It was fine when I last made a flight which was maybe a month ago. Any help is much appreciated. By the way, Martyn has contacted me, he's fine. Jack
  3. Sadly yes, I agree. I fear the worst for Martyn, I haven't heard from him for three weeks. I hope he's not in prison.
  4. Excellent video Scott. One thing I'm amazed at is how many of the houses and other buildings have red roofs. Why is this? And I thought the Atlanta metro region was huge, this area makes Atlanta look downright puny.
  5. I don’t know if it’s the wind John or the new version but I see a distinct pattern of lines on all water surfaces. And load times that long? Good grief, what next?
  6. They look good John but why the wavinesss in the water? I haven't upgraded to this yet.
  7. My grandfather told me to "Learn as much as you can as young as you can." That has always guided me in my life.
  8. Excellent. There's a lot to like and some I don't like but I won't mention that.
  9. Again, fantastic, the detail is stunning to me.
  10. Absolutely freaking amazing. The best I have ever seen of this sim.
  11. Thanks Adam, and it felt like old times too. Gosh, it was too long.
  12. Thanks Don! Appreciate it, yes, a couple of weeks from now. It’s so nice to see clearly.
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