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Patrick Cox

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Everything posted by Patrick Cox

  1. I once had a doctor who served an apprenticeship as an electrician then done a Vetinary Science degree and then did A general medicine degree. I mentioned it to him once and his reply was "If I can't cure you or spark you up I can legally put you down."
  2. It sure does. I meant to add the 8 in my reply but you know how it when you are an old fart.
  3. Most of us have a 6, 7 or as the first digit in our age.
  4. Same here Terry. I sit in my recliner just after lunch to watch the cricket or whatever else might be on the idiot box worth watching. That might be about 12:30 but the next thing I will remember is waking up around 1600 or 1700, just in time for the news.
  5. 72 yesterday and finding myself spending less time on forums. Only look at headlines that really stand out.
  6. Another great well monitored forum site is the sim out-house. As friendly as this site and political get shut down very quickly. I am a mod over there and we tend to watch some threads develop and if they look like getting nasty a arning shot is fired across their bows and if that doesn't work thread gets shut down.
  7. Remember them all too. In the 50s I lived on a farm and we had neither electricity or phone. In about 1959 my parents purchased a washing machine with a Villiers petrol motor with levers on the side for the washing cycle and for emptying it. Another lever was for the wringer which had a handle on the top to adjust the amount of pressure to use to squeeze the water out of the clothes.
  8. I am grateful for growing old because too many people have never had the chance to grow old
  9. Same with me. But someone told me it was a sign of dementure. I disagree as those memories are some of the best. Now what did I do yesterday?
  10. And a lot of the young whippersnappers of today's generation cannot understand our sense of humour because we use the full and correct spelling instead of computer talk.
  11. Would happily shout a beer or two if I could. We old coots now have our own play room.
  12. Bassman there are 2 stages of getting old. Turning 60 you join the Old Farts Club and at 70 you become an Old Coot . Hopefully JV or someone with authority is following this thread and moves it to its own sub-forum called the Old Coots Club.
  13. Maybe if we ask JV very nicely he will create this thread into a stand alone forum/club for us oldies. Stipulated age limit is you must be 70 plus.
  14. I'm still only an old fart at 71, 72 in October but like Terry I feel like I am falling apart. Flying keeps me sane.
  15. Neil, are you releasing these airports as individual packs e.g Pack 22, 23, 24 and 25? So far since Pack 20 or 21 they seem to be bundled into a full package from 1 - **. With the last release there was no documentation indicating what the new airports were although there was mention of some documentation in FTX Central but I cannot find it. I used to enjoy each individual pack with its airport list and sometimes a KMZ file. With this information I would plan a flight that would touch base with all new airports. While I appreciate your work I would like to see individual packs for those who already have the earlier packs but don't mind seeing a complete pack for Packs 1 - 22.
  16. All your orders will fall under your current email address. That is the email address you are using to login to FSS with. I have changed email addresses 4 times over the years and have had no problems with FSS. Cheers Pat
  17. Been waiting for this to happen. Have had signatures turned off for a long time because of the excessive signatures.
  18. That's great thanks. Will see what I can do as there is not paintkit available I will have to create one of my own.
  19. Do you have any 3/4 views from the rear where some parts are not obscured by the engines? If so I may be able to do something but not promising anything.
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