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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Looks like a great area Graeme, glad to see you mates are coming out of the lockdowns .
  2. Two of our best , I hope the both of you have a great Birthday. Cheers John
  3. For me , I’m up flying and I could care less about the “scenery” on the ground .
  4. Fine set of shots Adam .
  5. Grand set of shots Mikee !! .
  6. Is it real or is it Orbx , you be the judge ……..
  7. Welcome to the forum Robert , here is a thread from last year on your question . Cheers John
  8. Click bait , pure and simple Filou …….well you hooked me .
  9. Thanks landon . Thanks Adam . Thanks Karl . Thanks Gerold . Thanks John . Thanks Graeme . Thanks Taph . Thanks John .
  10. These look like preview shots Carlos , great job Sir !! .
  11. No wonder it is a b_tch to land , it has no cockpit .......
  12. From a thread from MS forum : Hi. I know of a few developers that have shifted their priorities to MSFS over the last year. In some instances, it seems the developers have abandoned P3D or X-Plane outright. For example, Aerosoft has shifted their priorities to MSFS as Aerosoft has said P3D sales have dropped off a cliff Probably not the news you were hoping for .
  13. The pretty gal is going to have a heck of time getting that travel bag in the overhead .
  14. A good intentions mission Gerold , Haiti needs plenty more right now .
  15. There is a updated Milford airport over at TO along with some scenery enhancements.
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