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Posts posted by ebgee

  1. Neil, et al.,


    After lurking for several years, I'll go ahead and finally throw in a few dream requests... and, like most, I'd like to see some love given to the area near my hometown of Lubbock, TX, which would fill in a gap nicely between some previously released airports.

    • KLBB - Lubbock Preston Smith Intl. - (of course)
    • F83 - Abernathy Muni. - not much there, and in fact has been recently closed, but a lot of history and where I made my first solo landing in a C152 back in the mid 1980s.  There's a 9-hole golf course near the south end and I think they're using it for RC aircraft now.
    • F82 - Lubbock Executive Airpark - formerly Town and Country Airpark - nice little place, recently renovated and next to the local motor speedway, which could make for some interesting scenery.  Taking much of the smaller GA traffic away from KLBB lately.
    • F49 - Slaton Muni - a cute little airport that hosts an airshow every year. With a small museum and collection of various aircraft on display including an F-4, F-14 and an F-18 among others.  Check it out on Google Earth/Maps/etc... the historic image from 2003 was taken during one of the airshows.
    • TA67 - Biggin Hill - A private, fly-in community that doesn't quite live up to it's namesake UK airfield in status and charm... but would make a pleasant place to pop in some afternoon around tea-time.

    Thanks for your consideration! :)

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