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Everything posted by Fidgetyflyer

  1. Looks amazing !!! Just wondering ,when can we see proper roads and moving vehicles on roads and bridges with their headlights /tail lights visible from above during night time?? This feature implementation will bring life to this beautiful scenery and really make this look as realistic as possible.
  2. Beautiful..must buy !!! But I have one doubt since many airport releases in msfs if someone could clarify. The taxiway centreline and edge lights are disoriented and arranged in a random fashion.I mean some of them are too closely spaced while some are too far apart.Some of them even don't follow the taxiway centre line as well. Sometimes blue edge lights are placed on taxiway centreline and vice-versa.I feel this airport also has this issue as can be seen from the posted screenshots. Especially for london city airport, these lights are a complete mess. Is this a limitation with the present SDK?
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