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Posts posted by paulscottrobson

  1. 4 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

    It would relate to the date of the orthos aerial photography that Orbx purchased to produce the TEGB series, which would be pre 2018. 

    I am informed that there are currently no plans to update any available aerial photography mainly due to cost I believe.



    Fair enough, I can understand that, thanks.  It's the only problem I've had in a lot of VFR flying on your UK products, so that's pretty good going. I was just flying round in circles wondering why I couldn't see this big dual carriageway ;-)

  2. Hi. I have the excellent X-Plane Orbx scenery for the whole of the UK. Today I was VFR flying out from Aberdeen/Dyce and the plan was to follow the A90, which is the Aberdeen Western Bypass, a big Dual Carriageway.


    Problem is, it isn't there. Just to be sure I moved my aircraft to the junction between the A96 and A90 (Craibstone Junction on a map). It is exactly as you expect from maps. Except for the A90.  There are two bridges here that carry the road here, one on the western exit from the roundabout, and the other on the south west exit.


    Both bridges are present, but the road is definitely missing.


    I have verified the install and it seems fine. I can't find any other missing roads. Is this a bug or outdated data ? It was opened in stages I think in 2018 and 2019.


  3. Well it clearly doesn't work.Screenshot%20from%202020-04-22%2006-41-1


    If you look at this screen shot you will notice :

    1) Connection interrupted. (No, it isn't. Your programmers are lazy and have interpreted any error from downloading as "connection interrupted". This might be acceptable if the whole point of the application wasn't to download things. Spend more time on that and less on pretty scrolling boxes. Nobody cares what downloaders look like. They want them to work reliably.  Or test it. Amateur hour)

    2) /tmp has 7.9G used and is 100% full. It's not doing anything else (outside the DE/Xorg/etc). (7.9G is remarkably close to the file size downloaded)

    3) /aux/Orbx/tmp has 4.0k used (e.g. it's empty). (There is 745G free on that partition)

    4) The temporary directory is set to /aux/Orbx/tmp


    What else do we see ? Well, if I look at the /tmp directory, there's a subdirectory called /tmp/Orbx , which obviously belongs to Gnome. And guess what, there's 7.8G in it. And the files or called "gbr-central-xp11.m.c4". Can't think what they might possibly be.


    So whatever else your software is doing *THIS DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY*.


    It is nothing to do with the manual. It is a bug. It's probably in Windows as well, but most Windows apps just have a temporary file space that can fill up the whole partition, which is usually the whole disk drive.


    Your "application" is creating file structures deliberately, and downloads a pile of zip files into /tmp/Orbx/temp/octemp .


    Something equally amazing. If you move Orbx out of /tmp to a partition with space and symlink it back again, guess what, it magically works again. And yes, I can do that. Not all Linux users can figure it out. Especially if they think its a connection error.


    (And get rid of that stupid pictorial Captcha while you are at it)

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